Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 1098)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#874 Fix MSN offline messages wilmer defect normal MSN
#1176 First message in a new skype chat gets lost Miklos Vajna defect normal Skype
#3 File transfer support enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#943 Federated MSN contacts don't show up wilmer defect wishlist MSN
#567 Feature Request: ability to send message for specified jabber resource wilmer enhancement normal Jabber
#436 Feature Request: Telnet task pony BitlBee
#891 Fatal Signal Received: 11 defect major BitlBee
#285 Fancy blist (patch supplied) enhancement minor BitlBee
#1024 Facebook oauth token failing on bitlbee (page not found) wilmer defect normal Jabber
#900 Facebook nick separator enhancement normal BitlBee
#1009 Facebook disconnects? defect normal BitlBee
#1086 Facebook clients rejoin with profile ID defect normal BitlBee
#1049 Facebook buddylist shows only one or two online wilmer defect major Jabber
#654 Facebook Chat - jabber - Warning: Received incomplete IQ-set packet wilmer defect major Jabber
#79 FICS support / network engine modularization Jelmer Vernooij enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#309 FEATURE REQUEST: 'info' command shows MSN contact's real name defect normal BitlBee
#310 FEATURE REQUEST: 'info' command shows MSN contact's real name wilmer defect wishlist MSN
#227 Extra characters at the end of every message. (Improve Y! specific stripping) wilmer defect normal Yahoo
#556 Extra Characters in Jabber Messages enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#1271 Extended tweets with two or more photos attached show several times defect normal Twitter
#201 Export/import configuration // settings // accounts enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#393 Exponential backoff in auto_reconnect code defect minor BitlBee
#455 Excessive Yahoo ping problem affecting reliability wilmer defect normal Yahoo
#1167 Errors when joining groupchat should reply the join with a numeric code defect normal BitlBee
#646 Error: Could not retrieve /statuses/home_timeline.xml: 400 Bad Request (Rate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 75 requests per hour. geert defect normal Twitter
#1268 Error running on Synology firsttime defect normal BitlBee
#471 Error reported by MSN server wilmer defect normal MSN
#472 Error reported by MSN server wilmer defect normal MSN
#491 Error 0x0010 when adding buddy on oscar protocol: clarify error message enhancement normal OSCAR
#817 Enhancement: Twitter: treat hashtags (hash tags) as channels - convenient way to follow hashtags geert enhancement wishlist Twitter
#44 Encryption support enhancement wishlist Jabber
#145 Encoding in outgoing messages? enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#809 Email Based Protocal enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#219 ERROR Error: Fatal signal received: 11. That's probably a bug. defect normal BitlBee
#467 ERC Doesn't voice/devoice defect normal BitlBee
#1263 Duplicate messages in jabber conference group chats. defect normal Jabber
#1199 Duplicate Nick break's a protocol defect normal BitlBee
#973 Double-away unsets away mode on AIM defect normal BitlBee
#409 Double g_free in proxy.c task normal BitlBee
#1248 Double free on channel rejoin defect normal BitlBee
#384 Don't re-create the iconv "object" all the time defect normal 1.2.1 BitlBee
#31 Doesn't connect to the chat servers defect minor 1.0 BitlBee
#566 Does not support Cyrillic (Russian) and possibly any non-ASCII nicknames in Jabber chats defect normal BitlBee
#24 Do something with usermodes, or leave them out enhancement wishlist IRC
#255 Display picture kludge enhancement normal BitlBee
#449 Display Image enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#875 Disconnected when trying to initialize a conversation (OTR) pesco defect normal OTR
#284 Disconnect on router update defect normal BitlBee
#416 Disable auto-joining of control channel enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#128 Disable WebAware, to hopefully reduce spam Jelmer Vernooij enhancement normal OSCAR
#339 DirectConnect chat support enhancement pony BitlBee
#367 Delete Account Bug for AFKIM V.3.3.1 defect normal BitlBee
#1153 Debian package for Ubuntu Trusty wilmer enhancement normal BitlBee
#611 Debian init script doesn't respect conf file nor kill forked daemon children defect normal BitlBee
#1057 Debian Wheezy package depends on unavailable package libgnutls28 defect normal BitlBee
#591 Dash (-) in jabber chatrooms makes the connection fail defect normal BitlBee
#152 Daily snapshots of dev stuff out-of-date defect normal BitlBee
#1054 Daily build debian testing unmet dependencies libgnutls28 (>= 3.0.20-0) defect minor BitlBee
#1186 DIGEST-MD5 auth fails defect normal BitlBee
#1235 Cyrilic names and warnings defect normal BitlBee
#625 Custom prefix for buddies from various networks? enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#1227 Cross-compilation Improvements enhancement normal BitlBee
#1002 Create bitlbee module for Foursquare enhancement pony BitlBee
#109 Crashed when help section is empty defect minor BitlBee
#1200 Crash with jabber protocol when joining room defect normal Jabber
#257 Crash when disconnecting from partially-connected SSL jabber account defect normal 1.2 BitlBee
#888 Crash in twitter_groupchat defect major Twitter
#1255 Crash in strip_html - attempting to modify const strings defect normal Purple
#790 Crash in ssl_gnutls.c defect normal BitlBee
#386 Crash in "account del" confirmation code defect normal 1.2.1 BitlBee
#136 Crash bug with gtalk defect critical BitlBee
#131 Crash bug after removing unknown handle defect critical BitlBee
#1226 Crash at identification and no debugging available defect normal 3.4.1 BitlBee
#560 Conversion of '.accounts' file to .xml file fails when 'Authmode = Registered' defect normal BitlBee
#1112 Control interface thinks that I want to accept GTalk contact request when I don't. wilmer defect normal BitlBee
#906 Contacts added via Google Plus show up as odd strings instead of screen names defect normal BitlBee
#63 Contact Search Jelmer Vernooij enhancement wishlist OSCAR
#18 Considering namechanges as notice or action defect wishlist BitlBee
#10 Consider changing the name of the #bitlbee channel task minor 1.0 IRC
#295 Connection to Yahoo! servers hangs unexpectedly wilmer defect major Yahoo
#404 Connection cleanup not working properly wilmer defect major 1.2.1 Yahoo
#1035 Connect to skyped fails with "Error while reading from server" / "global name 'done' is not defined" Miklos Vajna defect normal Skype
#655 Connect to AOL on port 80 results in "oscar - Couldn't log in: FLAP framing disrupted" defect normal BitlBee
#488 Confusing error message when identifying more than once. defect normal BitlBee
#1085 Configuration patches for pkgconfig file defect normal BitlBee
#1163 Conditionalize support for libotr 3 and 4 (to support both) pesco enhancement normal OTR
#1302 Concatenate messages without an unintended newline enhancement normal Unspecified / other
#230 Compiling and bind():ing on AIX 5.1 defect major BitlBee
#667 Compilation problems on Solaris defect normal BitlBee
#1135 Compilation of 3.2.1 fails in otr.c, too few arguments pesco defect normal OTR
#732 Commands do not fail gracefully defect minor BitlBee
#270 Command to show real nickname enhancement wishlist 1.0.3 BitlBee
#108 Command needed to add bitlbee-Accounts enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#124 Command msg defect wishlist BitlBee
#1030 Command `block' not supported by yahoo protocol defect normal Yahoo
#83 Comma in password mishandled (at least for MSN account) wilmer defect minor MSN
#777 Colors cause a Netsplit wilmer defect normal Jabber
#905 Close OTR connections on disconnect pesco enhancement wishlist OTR
#917 Client-side buddy list support missing for certain libpurple protocols that require it dx defect normal BitlBee
#23 Cleaner file format for user data jelmer,wilmer,maurits enhancement major 1.2 BitlBee
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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