
#295 closed defect (worksforme)

Connection to Yahoo! servers hangs unexpectedly

Reported by: unixlust[at] Owned by: wilmer
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Yahoo Version: devel
Keywords: Cc:
IRC client+version: irssi 0.8.11 Operating System: Public server
OS version/distro: ArchLinux


Well, I use bitlbee and irssi successfully for normal chat with my Yahoo! buddies. Serious problems occur when I send a long line of text to any buddy on my list, or when someone else from my list sends me long lines of text or pastes something long from somewhere, then bitlbee's connection to Yahoo! servers hangs, and I'm disconnected from the Yahoo! servers immediately or after a while. I consider this being a serious problem, as I'm getting those so called "mass messages" quite often from buddies on my list, and it's very annoying to be disconnected every X (unknown) minutes. Is there any way to fix this in bitlbee so it will be able to handle long texts correctly, or is there any plugin for irssi or something that would stop the text to be sent all at once, and send every line of text as a new message instead ? I'm using, if this helps. Any solution to this will be appreciated.

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Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed at 2007-06-27T11:48:44Z by wilmer

Priority: criticalmajor

This is not a big security bug. Keeping major because disconnects like this are annoying and it could be considered a DoS. (Okay, slightly security-related then...)

However, this is probably a libyahoo2 problem, not much I can do with that. You can split outgoing long msgs by setting buddy_sendbuffer to false, if that isn't the case already. If it's false you can set it to true, maybe Yahoo! is complaining about the number of msgs instead of their sizes.

comment:2 Changed at 2007-12-03T01:20:05Z by wilmer

Component: BitlBeeYahoo
Owner: set to wilmer

comment:3 Changed at 2014-07-07T11:27:58Z by dx

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

sid3windr (who actually uses yahoo) said this doesn't happen. Also, well, no activity in 7 years sounds like nobody cares. Nuking.

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as closed The owner will remain wilmer.
The resolution will be deleted.

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