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#284 closed defect (moreinfo)

Disconnect on router update

Reported by: anonymous Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: BitlBee Version: 1.0.3
Keywords: Disconnect Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Linux
OS version/distro: Gentoo Linux


When I change the port forwarding options in my router (Linksys WRT300N), bitlbee disconnects from the MSN servers with a read error. All other network applications (irssi, downloads, servers, ...) just continue to work.

Gaim had the same problem, so it's probably in the Gaim sources you use. I probably wasn't very informative, if you need more info, mail alexander_zuliani [at] telenet [dot] be to check back here.

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Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed at 2007-07-01T14:09:15Z by wilmer

Resolution: moreinfo
Status: newclosed

Some tcpdumps could help, at least. Not sure if this is a real bug. Possibly MSN connections are just more sensitive to interruptions. (Although I'm not aware of that...) Please send some tcpdumps if you can.

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