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#943 closed defect (obsolete)

Federated MSN contacts don't show up

Reported by: soldeace@… Owned by: wilmer
Priority: wishlist Milestone:
Component: MSN Version: 3.0.5
Keywords: msn, office, communicator, federated, lync Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Public server
OS version/distro:


MSN contacts who use Microsoft Office Communicator to interact with the MSN network appear offline on Bitlbee, but online on other clients such as Pidgin.

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Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed at 2012-12-23T23:53:48Z by wilmer

Component: BitlBeeMSN
Owner: set to wilmer

I've tried to make some of this work with 3.0.6 but it's still quite crappy. I blame the protocol, and will wait to see whether it will survive 2013.

comment:2 Changed at 2014-02-04T05:18:26Z by dx

Is MSN federation still working? They nuked the yahoo federation at some point, but no idea about "microsoft office communicator".

(And MSN survived 2013!)

comment:3 Changed at 2018-04-29T23:56:25Z by dx

Resolution: obsolete
Status: newclosed

Closing because the MSN plugin was removed in 7ec2ce8fd7d30a536823ef9e08a3dad80ce76d4e

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as closed The owner will remain wilmer.
The resolution will be deleted.

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