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#560 closed defect (worksforme)

Conversion of '.accounts' file to .xml file fails when 'Authmode = Registered'

Reported by: justa Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: BitlBee Version: 1.2.4
Keywords: accounts xml conversion broken Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Public server
OS version/distro: debian


I'm running a debian box and 'somewhere along the line', debian upgraded my bitlbee from 1.0.3 to 1.2.3. In 1.2.3 , the accounts info seems to have moved to a .xml file instead of binary-blob 'user.accounts' file. According to changelog (1.2.0 release) the conversion from old->new format should be transparent and automatic, but it seems there's at least one scenario that makes it fail.

I have my bitlbee running in 'Authmode = Registered' and that seems to prevent the conversion from working. I tried a couple of scenarios, each restoring my /var/lib/bitlbee/ dir from a .tar.gz file i made that contains a 'justa.accounts' and 'justa.nicks' file; no justa.xml file.

When starting the (1.2.3) bitlbee in 'Authmode=Open', it allows me to identify and then starts to connect my (four) IM accounts. It creates a justa.xml file.

When starting the (1.2.3) bitlbee in 'Authmode = Closed', it allows me to connect with password to server; then allows me to identify with password and starts to connect my (four) IM accounts. It creates a justa.xml file.

When starting the (1.2.3) bitlbee in 'Authmode = Registered', it allows me to connect; then allows me to identify with password and then tells me: <@root> This server only accepts registered users <@root> This server only accepts registered users <@root> This server only accepts registered users <@root> This server only accepts registered users <@root> Password accepted, settings and accounts loaded <@root> No accounts known. Use `account add' to add one.

(note that it tells me FOUR times that it only accepts registered users; I have four IM accounts under my bitlbee account). It also writes a justa.xml file... The justa.xml file only contains a <user nick="justa" password="deleted_to_protect_the_innocent" version="1"></user> stanza; no accounts/etc.

In open/closed mode, the justa.xml file contains 4 <account></account> stanza's .. so that seems all in order.

To reproduce: get a pre 1.2.0 "user.accounts" file; install a 1.2.3 bitlbee; put the user.accounts file in /var/lib/bitlbee/ and configure server to be 'Authmode=Registered' Sidenote: i run my bitlbee as 'Daemon' in all cases.

Have fun with this one ;)

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Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed at 2010-03-14T18:40:40Z by wilmer

Hm. I fail to reproduce this issue. Daemon mode should not really be related to this.

ns account add msn msn msn
:root!root@localhost.localdomain PRIVMSG &bitlbee :This server only accepts registered users
[1]+  Stopped                 ./bitlbee -d .. -c ../bitlbee.conf
wilmer@ruby:~/src/bitlbee/devel$ rm ../wilmer.xml 
wilmer@ruby:~/src/bitlbee/devel$ fg
./bitlbee -d .. -c ../bitlbee.conf
ns identify hooi
:root!root@localhost.localdomain PRIVMSG &bitlbee :Password accepted, settings and accounts loaded
:wilmer MODE wilmer +R
ns account add msn msn msn
:root!root@localhost.localdomain PRIVMSG &bitlbee :Account successfully added

Did you maybe reproduce this with just the .accounts file (so no .nicks)?

comment:2 Changed at 2010-08-15T16:11:04Z by wilmer

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

This migration is now gone completely, upgrades from <1.2 to >=1.3 won't be possible. Since the last <1.2 release is more than three years old, I think that's reasonable.

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