
#611 closed defect (fixed)

Debian init script doesn't respect conf file nor kill forked daemon children

Reported by: ander.punnar@… Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: BitlBee Version: devel
Keywords: debian Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Linux
OS version/distro: Debian Lenny


Running version bzr-devel-562-0

Init script forces always forked mode even when I specify other in conf.

Also, when running in forked mode then /etc/init.d/bitlbee doesn't kill children.

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Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed at 2010-05-02T11:44:36Z by wilmer

Priority: majornormal

Also, when running in forked mode then /etc/init.d/bitlbee doesn't kill children.

That's by design. You don't want an upgrade to kill all currently running sessions, right?

You can change the mode in /etc/default/bitlbee. I agree that this isn't great though. I'll see if I can improve this a little bit without ending up with something very fragile.

This is really more a Debian bug though, and I fail to see the justification of your chosen priority.

comment:2 Changed at 2010-05-02T16:32:28Z by ander.punnar@…

You don't want an upgrade to kill all currently running sessions, right?

I actually do it everytime. There's 2 more people in server using BitlBee so it's not really big deal ;> But it would be with bigger user base, sure.

And, sorry, I didn't actually notice default/bitlbee file. But still, it's confusing. There should be some sort of notice in main conf file then.

comment:3 Changed at 2010-05-02T20:09:39Z by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>

I actually do it everytime. There's 2 more people in server using BitlBee
so it's not really big deal ;>
But it would be with bigger user base, sure.

If you set run mode to non-forking daemon mode you'll get the same
effect. And daemon mode should be stable enough for this to not be a
terrible idea anymore.

And, sorry, I didn't actually notice default/bitlbee file. But still, it's
confusing. There should be some sort of notice in main conf file then.

I thought I did that already, but maybe not. :-/

What I can do is ship a config with ForkDaemon by default, and try to
detect if it's set to Inetd instead and if so, abort the init script
(and only then).

That seems pretty sane to me, at least. Ideally the port number should
also be configured there and not in /etc/default/bitlbee but that'll
require some automated editing which I'm unhappy about. :-(

The Debian pkg generally needs a bit of a rework. I'll do all of these
things at once one of these days I guess...

(BTW, I now recognise your name. I fixed the Packages(.gz) issue, I think.)

comment:4 Changed at 2010-05-02T20:18:39Z by ander.punnar@…

daemon mode should be stable enough for this to not be a terrible idea anymore.

Fair enough.

I fixed the Packages(.gz) issue

Yes, it works, again! Thanks.

comment:5 Changed at 2017-01-10T06:40:34Z by dx

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

I guess I fixed this! The /etc/default part, I nuked that. 7a3d2c7d612aba056153ed9eb6c460bc303fcd9e

Not killing forkdaemon children is intended behavior.

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