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#1009 closed defect (notmyfault)

Facebook disconnects?

Reported by: jessica Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: BitlBee Version: 3.0.6
Keywords: Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Linux
OS version/distro: Debian


00:37 -!- Netsplit over, joins: +(userid), +-(userid) 00:38 <@root> jabber - Error: Error while reading from server 00:38 <@root> jabber - Signing off.. 00:38 -!- Netsplit bitlbee.localhost <-> quits: +-(userid), +-(userid)

It keeps disconnecting, and reconnecting every few seconds.... Was the same with Bitlbee 1.2.8, and in the latest release (3.0.6).

It's my own private server, and i'm not sure what's wrong.

Thanks, Jess

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Change History (10)

comment:1 Changed at 2012-11-12T00:54:08Z by jessica

00:51 <@root> jabber - Reconnecting in 5 seconds..
00:51 <@root> jabber - Logging in: Connecting
00:51 <@root> jabber - Login error: Could not connect to server
00:51 <@root> jabber - Logging in: Signing off..
00:51 <@root> jabber - Login error: Short write() to server
00:51 <@root> jabber - Logging in: Reconnecting in 15 seconds..
00:51 <@root> jabber - Logging in: Connecting
00:51 <@root> jabber - Logging in: Connected to server, logging in
00:51 <@root> jabber - Logging in: Converting stream to TLS
00:51 <@root> jabber - Logging in: Connected to server, logging in
00:51 <@root> jabber - Logging in: Authentication finished
00:51 <@root> jabber - Logging in: Server changed session resource string to `BitlBee_[anonomised_string]'
00:51 <@root> jabber - Logging in: Authenticated, requesting buddy list
00:51 <@root> jabber - Logging in: Logged in
00:51 -!- Netsplit over, joins: (nicknames)
00:51 <@root> jabber - Error: Error while reading from server
00:51 <@root> jabber - Signing off..
00:51 -!- Netsplit bitlbee.localhost <-> quits: (nicknames)
00:51 <@root> jabber - Reconnecting in 5 seconds..

comment:2 Changed at 2012-11-12T01:01:25Z by anonymous

Tried from a different server, with a same result.

comment:3 Changed at 2012-11-12T10:12:18Z by wilmer

Resolution: notmyfault
Status: newclosed

Facebook disconnects you, that's not BitlBee's fault. Other clients were having problems as well.

comment:4 Changed at 2012-11-12T10:23:21Z by jessica

Ok thanks Wilmer. Thought i'd best report it anyway.

Jess x

comment:5 Changed at 2012-11-12T10:24:36Z by wilmer

Fair enough. The problem should be over now BTW.

Would it have helped if I posted a message on the Twitter feed about this? It was an FAQ in #bitlbee right away, putting it in the topic there helped, but that obviously didn't help people who aren't there.

comment:6 Changed at 2012-11-12T15:19:46Z by jessica

Wouldn't have helped me personally (I don't use Twitter), as I checked the homepage, and traq to see if there was a pre-existing bug open, when I didn't find one, I opened one.

Thanks for replying.


comment:7 Changed at 2012-11-12T15:22:30Z by jessica

(Incidentally, yes, it is fixed now :])

comment:8 Changed at 2012-11-12T22:38:25Z by wilmer

Ok, thanks. :-) I keep meaning to mirror the Twitter feed on the website, but whenever I remember that means doing PHP I give up on the idea. *g* A bug like this every now and then is not that much of a problem.

comment:9 Changed at 2013-07-30T11:48:24Z by Eyck

Since version 3.2+20130714+devel+997 bitlbee hangs on:

fb - Logging in: Authenticated, requesting buddy list

rolling back to 3.2 from 2013.06 or 2013.07.02 fixes this.

( I still get fb - Logging in: Server claims your JID is `-0@…' instead of '-9999999999999@chat', but that might be FB's fault and not bitlbee )

comment:10 Changed at 2014-09-27T13:44:13Z by anonymous

<root> jabber - Error: Error while reading from server

<root> jabber - Reconnecting in 5 seconds.. on

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