Custom Query (188 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 188)

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Owner: geert (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#601 Twitter: identify followers enhancement normal Twitter 1.2.6
#606 Allow renaming #twitter_... channel enhancement normal Twitter 1.2.6
#705 Implement twitter in context replies with mode "one" enhancement normal Twitter 3.0

Owner: pesco (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#691 OTR color setting enhancement normal OTR devel
#961 otr autoconnect enhancement normal OTR 3.0.5
#693 resurrect support for showing OTR status via mode flags enhancement wishlist OTR 1.3dev
#776 You should know BEFORE sending a text if you have gone off-the-record or not enhancement wishlist OTR 3.0.1
#836 multiple jabber clients on the same account fight over OTR sessions defect wishlist OTR 3.0.3

Owner: wilmer (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#458 Google Talk Invisibility enhancement normal Jabber 1.2.3
#554 Jabber/XMPP server-side password changes defect normal Jabber 1.2.3
#762 Away status is inaccurate when contact is signed into Jabber multiple times defect normal Jabber 3.0.1
#773 Not able to send priv msg to users in anon groupchats. defect normal Jabber 3.0.1
#795 handle captcha in bitlbee-libpurple defect normal Purple 3.0.2
#889 A list for Jabber channels to show all existing channels on the network enhancement normal Jabber 3.0.4
#919 Handle invitations to known chatrooms defect normal IRC 3.0.4
#989 jabber does not try lower priority when higher priority server cannot be reached defect normal Jabber 3.0.5
#1128 Please implement XEP-198 (stream control) enhancement normal Jabber 3.2.1
#1155 DCC transfer aborted: inet_ntop failed: Address family not supported by protocol defect normal IRC 3.2.1
#1139 Jabber: account gets disconnected upon reception of invalid unicode character defect minor Jabber 3.2.1
#269 New BitlBee shirt task wishlist BitlBee
#545 Set my own alias/display_name in Jabber defect wishlist Jabber 1.2.4
#553 Jabber / XMPP mobile contacts not differentiated enhancement wishlist Jabber devel
#717 Photo support for bitlbee-libpurple enhancement wishlist Purple 3.0
#1203 RPC interface to write protocol plugins in a different language enhancement wishlist BitlBee devel

Owner: (none) (76 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#1327 Bitlbee does not save purple account information to /var/lib/bitlbee/purple/<username>/accounts.xml file defect critical Purple devel
#1114 XMPP: bitlbee receives but does not display stanzas of type "error" defect major BitlBee 3.2
#1142 tls_verify doesn't verify certificates defect major BitlBee 3.2
#1322 Null Dereference Error an defect major Purple Unspecified
#265 Jabber module only accepts ports 5220-5229 enhancement normal Jabber 1.0.3
#298 removed buddies reappear defect normal BitlBee 1.1dev
#346 Put users into qualified namespace. enhancement normal BitlBee 1.1.1dev
#356 bitlbee does not detect connection loss defect normal BitlBee 1.0.3
#408 yes/no question for messages from unknown handle enhancement normal BitlBee 1.2
#411 Harden bitlbee servers against spammers enhancement normal BitlBee devel
#420 Jabber offline status messages defect normal BitlBee 1.2
#478 Repeated message when adding a user from ICQ defect normal BitlBee 1.2.3
#485 Gtalk Status Overflow defect normal BitlBee 1.2.3
#539 When a contact is in a chat: PART instead of QUIT? defect normal BitlBee 1.2.3
#549 HTML in Chatrooms defect normal BitlBee 1.2.4
#561 feature requst: default oscar charset enhancement normal BitlBee 1.2.4
#615 allow nicks starting with numbers enhancement normal BitlBee 1.2.6
#623 .deb repository: add "dists" defect normal BitlBee 1.2.7
#624 getting superfluous PM from identichat defect normal BitlBee 1.2.7
#629 Truncate the status message of users to a configurable length enhancement normal BitlBee 1.2.7
#697 Add a timestamp to queries in the qlist enhancement normal BitlBee 1.2.8
#698 'unrename all' command enhancement normal BitlBee 1.2.8
#699 nick_format compatible with renamed nicks (rename cmd) enhancement normal BitlBee devel
#703 Make default_target have scope of a control channel enhancement normal BitlBee 1.3dev
#706 The root user shows nick statuses in the "active" channel instead of the channel where the person is enhancement normal BitlBee 3.0
#726 Warnings while building bitlbee defect normal BitlBee 3.0
#737 support block/allow in jabber protocol enhancement normal BitlBee 3.0.1
#739 The XMPP file transfer "proxy" setting is confusing. defect normal BitlBee 3.0.1
#757 Bring back lcnicks setting defect normal BitlBee 3.0.1
#783 Default account and room suffix for easy joining jabber channels enhancement normal BitlBee 3.0.2
#786 Build system doesn't differentiate between compiler and linker options defect normal BitlBee 3.0.2
#803 Google talk timeouts.. defect normal BitlBee 3.0.1
#807 Setting /away to invisible/hidden doesn't change your status to invisible on aim/oscar defect normal BitlBee 3.0.3
#844 Basic Activity Logging enhancement normal BitlBee 3.0.3
#921 config: support multiple CAfile arguments defect normal BitlBee 3.0.5
#928 The translate_to_nicks setting seems not working defect normal BitlBee 3.0.5
#952 block and allow groups and/or handle regexp patterns enhancement normal BitlBee 3.0.4
#971 Systemd support lacks unprivileged user and tmpfiles.d support enhancement normal BitlBee 3.0.5
#980 SSL: certificate pinning enhancement normal BitlBee devel
#1008 Listen on IPv4 *and* IPv6 when using "-i localhost" enhancement normal BitlBee 3.0.6
#1025 Multiple accounts on one control channel enhancement normal BitlBee 3.0.6
#1027 Bitlbee can't handle other clients with the same JID in jabber group chats defect normal BitlBee devel
#1071 Setting yourself away and then logging off makes you appear online and away after defect normal BitlBee devel
#1127 '#' in proxy password is not possible defect normal BitlBee 3.2.1
#1130 Handle handling not consistent in twitter commands defect normal Twitter 3.2.1
#1144 Support XEP-0249 direct MUC invitations enhancement normal BitlBee 3.2.1
#1170 error: variable has incomplete type 'const struct oauth_service' defect normal BitlBee 3.2.2
#1171 Display twitter activity notifications enhancement normal Twitter 3.2.1
#1173 [patch] Twitter protocol: account_tag for nick and channel enhancement normal Twitter 3.2.2
#1184 Twitter module doesn't handle 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable very well defect normal Twitter devel
#1188 Twitter-action: add retweet in addition to rt enhancement normal Twitter 3.2.2
#1189 Reply to a retweet, replies only the retweeter defect normal BitlBee 3.2.2
#1192 Add a way to show a PurpleStoredImage in libpurple enhancement normal BitlBee devel
#1194 Bind to multiple addresses on OpenBSD 5.6 defect normal BitlBee 3.2.1
#1204 Fix the logging subsystem defect normal BitlBee 3.2.2
#1206 otr trust fingerprint representation enhancement normal BitlBee 3.2.2
#1209 Link embedded images from protected accounts to direct media file enhancement normal Twitter 3.4
#1214 Multiple accounts handling and convoluted/merged contact lists defect normal Twitter 3.2.2
#1216 Option to completely disable away status autoreply notifications enhancement normal 3.4.1 BitlBee 3.4
#1223 tweets show up either in a timeline OR in a search channel defect normal Twitter 3.4
#1232 Docker images defect normal BitlBee 3.4
#1239 OMEMO / Axolotl Support enhancement normal Jabber Unspecified
#1242 Twitter DM channels don't show messages sent in other clients defect normal Twitter 3.4.1
#1243 bitlbee strips '.' from Jabber IDs defect normal IRC Unspecified
#1244 Jabber: only fetch room history since last received message enhancement normal Jabber 3.4.1
#1250 libpurple sipe messages from latest MS Office/Lync/Skype for Business include font information defect normal Purple devel
#1251 Twitter replies to multiple parties not working correctly defect normal Twitter 3.4.1
#1256 Bitlbee thinks gtalk does not support XEP85 defect normal BitlBee Unspecified
#1264 No self-messages in telegram defect normal Purple 3.4.2
#1270 bitlbee-purple resets contact groups on reconnect defect normal Purple devel
#1276 TLS: set CAfile per IM Account defect normal Unspecified / other Unspecified
#1277 Support filter channels for twitter lists and follows enhancement normal Twitter Unspecified
#1278 XMPP CAPS data is missing required attribute value. defect normal Jabber Unspecified
#1279 Please make it possible to change UNIX socket path at runtime with run option enhancement normal Unspecified / other Unspecified
#1284 Twitter. handle follower requests defect normal Unspecified / other Unspecified
#1285 Support unicode channel names. enhancement normal BitlBee devel
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