
#269 new task

New BitlBee shirt

Reported by: wilmer Owned by: wilmer
Priority: wishlist Milestone:
Component: BitlBee Version:
Keywords: shirt Cc:
IRC client+version: IRL Operating System: Other
OS version/distro: LifeOS


It might be time for a new load of BitlBee shirts. People e-mailed and /msged me about this in the past, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to find back all those mails. So let's abuse the bug tracker for this. Anyone interested in a shirt drop a line here. With an e-mail address (in obfuscated form, if you want).

Don't know when the shirts will be there, but at least I'll give this some time to fill up.

Should there be a new design or should it be like the ones we made so far?

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Change History (42)

comment:1 Changed at 2007-04-16T16:34:06Z by Jelmer Vernooij

I'd be interested in one if there is a new design.

Jelmer <jelmer@…>

comment:2 Changed at 2007-04-16T16:36:26Z by Mek

I want one!

Mek <mkruisselbrink (at) eljakim (dot) nl>

comment:3 Changed at 2007-04-17T02:42:44Z by wilmer

Oh yes, and if someone really doesn't want to post an e-mail address here, an IRC nickname is fine, if it's on OFTC or Feenode. Not any other network though, and certainly not Quacknet. :-P

comment:4 Changed at 2007-05-04T12:09:29Z by dclark@…

I want one - use my email or djbclark on oftc or freenode

comment:5 Changed at 2007-05-31T18:36:06Z by presi

I want one.

presi on freenode or oftc.

comment:6 Changed at 2007-06-17T12:24:11Z by Sjoerd Hemminga

I'm seconding Jelmer here. I'm interested if there's a new design as well.

Oh, and you know where to find me ;)

comment:7 Changed at 2007-07-05T15:41:05Z by Jelmer Vernooij

Btw, the previous ones were a bit tight on the neck whereas the rest was pretty big - felt as if I was being strangled all day ;-) Any chance we can have better shaped shirts this time 'round?

comment:8 Changed at 2007-08-22T14:40:04Z by Clarke Brunsdon

I'll take one for the next printing.

CrimsonKing on freenode, or clarke@…

I would also vote for not getting strangled all day, though.

comment:9 Changed at 2007-09-30T02:50:32Z by joe

I want one my friends, thanks a lot!


comment:10 Changed at 2007-11-10T12:40:03Z by admin@…

I want one too :) admin@…

comment:11 Changed at 2007-12-01T10:33:51Z by dakratzie_at_yahoo_dot_de

if it's not too expensive to send to germany i'd like to have a shirt

email: dakratzie_at_yahoo_dot_de

comment:12 Changed at 2008-01-11T17:46:39Z by guscha@…

I'm def interested!

comment:13 Changed at 2008-01-16T22:20:22Z by bec@…

I would love a shirt! bec@…

comment:14 Changed at 2008-01-24T21:59:24Z by sid3windr@…

You know you want me to have one! ;)

comment:15 Changed at 2008-01-24T22:06:21Z by Ludvig Ericson <ludvig.ericson@…>

Bringeth thine shirt unto me.

comment:16 Changed at 2008-01-24T22:07:48Z by GoneWacko

This depends on the price and whether or not it would be sent to Finland. I'm actually from the Netherlands but I'm going there for a work placement :p

comment:17 Changed at 2009-01-04T21:52:42Z by Matthijs Kooijman <matthijs@…>

So, wilmer, any chance on a new shirt? My previous one is nearly worn out completely, so sign me up for a new one :-)

(Funny that I stumbled upon this ticket while searching for "oftc or freenode", trying to decide on which network to create a new channel...)

comment:18 Changed at 2009-01-11T10:07:53Z by wilmer

Heh. Heck, I should just make a batch, it looks like selling them isn't going to be hard anyway. I just want to work out a new design. Not that I don't like the old one, but it'd be nice to have a new one.

Indeed my shirt is also somewhat worn out (and way too huge anyway).

comment:19 Changed at 2009-01-14T13:34:09Z by Axel Beckert aka XTaran <abe+bitlbee@…>


I would be happy to get a Bitlbee t-shirt, too. Use it since 2004 and I'm really happy to have all my Jabber contacts in my beloved irssi. :-)

Maybe you could make some t-shirts before FOSDEM 2009 and bring them there?

comment:20 Changed at 2009-01-14T13:50:47Z by wilmer

I'd love to, but I also would like to get a new design for the next batch, and won't have the chance to do that in time, *and* get it printed. :-/

Also, I don't really feel like doing any pre-ordering or anything like that, but would like to have a general picture of how many shirts to order of each size. Everyone who cares, please post your shirt size here or e-mail me so I can make a scientifically solid estimation. :-P

comment:21 Changed at 2009-01-14T13:57:24Z by Axel Beckert aka XTaran <abe+bitlbee@…>

I see. Anyway, I would need size M or L depending on the t-shirt manufacturer.

comment:22 Changed at 2009-01-15T15:37:01Z by Charlie <guscha@…>

I want a shirt in size Small.

comment:23 Changed at 2009-01-15T18:41:26Z by toxik

Any way to get off the cc of this ticket? email.startswith("ludvig.ericson").

comment:24 Changed at 2009-01-17T00:17:55Z by sid3windr@…

Size is XL on, XXL on thinkgeek... so depends where you're getting them done I guess...

comment:25 Changed at 2009-07-27T18:54:47Z by k.parnell@…

I'll take a LG/XL.

comment:26 in reply to:  description Changed at 2009-08-06T12:27:21Z by zozy


i need one in size of L (mail: zozy [at] zozy [dot] org)

thanks: Zozy

comment:27 Changed at 2009-12-05T14:11:15Z by anonymous

lulz, 3 years and still no shirt?


comment:28 Changed at 2009-12-05T14:18:40Z by wilmer

Mr. Anonymous, we didn't even know you were here! ;-)

But yes, you do raise a good point. My BitlBee shirt is in pretty bad shape these days, I also need a new one.

And HELLO LUDVIG, you're not CC'ed here so I'd probably have to remove/anonymize your comments.

comment:29 Changed at 2010-03-18T00:45:09Z by wilmer

Ok, I'm more seriously considering doing a batch of shirts now. Happy to see some names and sizes here, and I hope not too many people lost interest.

I'll try to figure out how many shirts of how many sizes to make. The price is probably going to be around 15 euros (+shipping probably) like the last time.

Feel free to comment if you A) indeed really still want one B) know someone else who does or of course C) stopped using BitlBee somewhere between when this ticket was opened and now and don't really care about the shirt anymore.

comment:30 Changed at 2010-03-18T09:02:41Z by Matthijs Kooijman <matthijs@…>

I still want one, make it size L.

comment:31 Changed at 2010-03-18T11:04:46Z by anonymous

Guess i'm the only person who's going to say that i'm not using bitlbee anymore. So no shirt for me!

comment:32 Changed at 2010-03-18T13:23:25Z by anonymous

I still want a Large.

comment:33 Changed at 2010-03-18T13:24:19Z by Kenny Parnell <k.parnell@…>

I still want a Large.

comment:34 Changed at 2010-03-25T10:54:00Z by haavaros

I'd like one, mainly to support the devs. So a donation paypal account would also work.

comment:35 Changed at 2010-03-25T10:54:28Z by haavros

Im using XXL btw.

comment:36 Changed at 2010-03-25T14:57:27Z by mr.mosch@…

I want one! A new design would be nice :)

comment:37 Changed at 2010-04-20T14:16:29Z by bernard.zijlstra@…

Met het nieuwe logo bestel ik er 2 in maat XL en een derde in maat L.

comment:38 Changed at 2010-05-28T18:32:44Z by anonymous

ownsome can i get one? info@…

Grz Stefan;)

comment:39 Changed at 2010-08-03T10:36:17Z by harmen@…

Yeah! Gimme one! :-) (Erh, let me buy one...)

comment:40 Changed at 2011-01-23T16:25:14Z by wilmer

Greetings everyone! I'll close this ticket soon. Good news for people who want the shirt, and for those who hate the fact that they can't un-CC themselves.:>

To finally end this embarassement, I'm asking folks if they can make these shirts and sell them. To get an idea of which design to go for, which sizes people need, and generally how many shirts, I'd like everyone who still cares about this shirt to fill in the form on

Please do this ASAP, I'm trying to get something done before FOSDEM, which is in two weeks! And it'll take a few days to get these shirts printed and shipped, time is ticking..

comment:41 Changed at 2011-06-21T13:01:12Z by kowalczyk

I'd be interested in one of these. If you send them to Norway?

comment:42 Changed at 2016-12-19T01:49:37Z by anonymous

I want one if you still sell them ? --bittin <Luna Jernberg>

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