
#795 new defect

handle captcha in bitlbee-libpurple

Reported by: lainme993@… Owned by: wilmer
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Purple Version: 3.0.2
Keywords: captcha Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Public server
OS version/distro:


Some protocols need user to enter captcha for verification, and it is not supported by bitlbee-libpurple. So I have to still keep pidgin on my system.

Will bitlbee-libpurple handle captcha? Like save the captcha image into a directory, then give the link for it and wait for user to enter the code?

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Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed at 2011-06-11T23:40:10Z by wilmer

(I noticed you had some troubles submitting this bug because of the over-active spamfilter. Sorry about that, I tweaked it a little bit but don't know if it'll work. Keeping this Trac spam-free is utterly frustrating. :-( )

Which IM protocols do this? It'd be much nicer if this could be done in a way that works even if BitlBee isn't running locally. With a bit of luck the captcha's on a webserver and BitlBee can just give you the URL.

comment:2 Changed at 2011-06-12T07:48:02Z by lainme993@…

It's the QQ protocol. If two successive connections are not from the same place, the captcha will appear. In pidgin, a popup window will appear and ask the user to enter the code.

Though it is removed from pidgin 2.8, but the new plugin are in active development. QQ is a IM in China, so I think it may difficult for you to test. I am not sure whether there are some other protocols that use captcha too.

comment:3 Changed at 2015-03-16T00:21:44Z by dx

Might be fixed by #1178

comment:4 Changed at 2015-03-16T08:47:58Z by lainme993@…

I tested the latest git version. This problem is not fixed by #1178. I checked the source code of one pidgin plugin and found that purple_request_fields is used to handle the captcha input. The purple_request_field_image_new is used to obtain the captcha image and purple_request_field_string_new is used to receive user input.

It looks like quite difficult to be implemented, since lots of purple_request_* functions needs to be handled.

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