
#1214 new defect

Multiple accounts handling and convoluted/merged contact lists

Reported by:… Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Twitter Version: 3.2.2
Keywords: multiple accounts names Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Linux
OS version/distro:


When I register two Twitter accounts with Bitlbee, the list of followed people in both is identical. For instance, if account A follows Foo and Bar and B follows only Bar, then a /names output in both windows produces what appears to be the contact lists of both accounts merged, e.g. [Foo,Bar] in the above example. One account will have [Foo,Bar] and the other will have [Foo_,Bar_] to distinguish them.

Consequentially, messages by Foo_ will also show up in the window of B, even though B does not follow Foo.

Fundamentally, I think that this can be fixed in one of two ways:

Either provide only one window for all Twitter accounts, with merged account lists, and augment the Bitlbee interface with an easy way to specify the account to use for new Tweets (similar to what Tweetdeck does).

Or (and I prefer this) make sure that the accounts listed for each Twitter window are only the accounts relevant to the respective account.

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Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed at 2015-10-20T05:53:52Z by dx

Don't remember seeing this ticket before, somehow. Probably skimmed through it thinking it was yet another "merge contacts" (i'm sure there are tickets for that somewhere)


One account will have [Foo,Bar] and the other will have [Foo_,Bar_] to distinguish them.

Consequentially, messages by Foo_ will also show up in the window of B, even though B does not follow Foo.

What? If B doesn't follow Foo, it shouldn't have it in the names list at all.

Can you still see this behavior?

One possible explanation is that Foo @mentioned B, which means it gets added to the contact list. But if you see it like that right after login, something is broken.

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