Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (1001 - 1098 of 1098)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#114 blist does not show OSCAR-Buddys correctly when they're offline defect normal BitlBee
#115 Add OTR (off-the-record messaging) support to BitlBee enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#116 Small error in output having more than one Jabber account defect minor 1.0.2 BitlBee
#117 Make Wiki ReadOnly perhaps? enhancement wishlist Documentation
#118 bitlbee as irc service defect normal BitlBee
#122 BitlBee Release Party task wishlist 1.2 BitlBee
#123 /whois, don't convert the unicode characters to iso-8859-2 defect normal BitlBee
#124 Command msg defect wishlist BitlBee
#127 Max Number of Accounts defect normal BitlBee
#130 Weirdness in command splitting code defect minor 1.0.3 BitlBee
#131 Crash bug after removing unknown handle defect critical BitlBee
#132 set password hard to find defect normal BitlBee
#133 ASCII art of photographic data needs Tone Mapping enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#134 Bitlbee's latest BZR release crashed while in "daemon" mode defect major BitlBee
#136 Crash bug with gtalk defect critical BitlBee
#141 Spammed with voice and devoices enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#142 cannot get user list defect normal BitlBee
#143 connection lost defect critical BitlBee
#144 put nick: before authorization request enhancement normal BitlBee
#145 Encoding in outgoing messages? enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#146 Availability to receive details from contacts which are not in the list defect normal BitlBee
#147 Availability to receive details from contacts which are not in the list enhancement normal BitlBee
#151 Root talks defect critical BitlBee
#152 Daily snapshots of dev stuff out-of-date defect normal BitlBee
#153 Tab Completion breaks 'info' command defect minor BitlBee
#156 groupwise support enhancement pony BitlBee
#157 parse way whitespaces enhancement normal BitlBee
#158 RPL_NAMREPLY shows channels as secret defect normal IRC
#159 umode is not handled properly defect normal IRC
#160 error message for unknown commands enhancement normal IRC
#162 Auto-replies *from* buddies enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#164 libglib2.0-dev error msg defect minor BitlBee
#165 inivisible user shown as offline defect normal BitlBee
#167 GoogleTalk "off the record" (don't log) enhancement wishlist Jabber
#168 bitlbee crashes on FC5 using version 1.02 (glibc) defect normal BitlBee
#171 [PATCH] Environment variable CFLAGS isn't honored defect normal BitlBee
#172 Too long messages are cut while being sent defect normal BitlBee
#174 cannot identify defect normal BitlBee
#175 Proposition of changes to user levels enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#176 could not login to custom jabber server defect normal Jabber
#177 could not login to custom jabber server defect normal Jabber
#181 Bitlbee displays the wrong error message defect normal BitlBee
#182 Problem with duplicate buddies and renaming accounts defect normal BitlBee
#183 Random "bind: Can't assign requested address" messages on OS X defect normal 1.2 BitlBee
#184 Bitlbee as irc2irc gateway. enhancement minor BitlBee
#189 +R after identifying enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#190 unable to compile bitlbee-1.0.3(AmigaOS) defect normal BitlBee
#192 Timestamp for offline messages enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#193 [patch] "warning: unused variable `j'" when ipv6 disabled defect minor BitlBee
#194 Can't Identify defect normal BitlBee
#195 VMware Appliance instead of a Windows Port enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#197 User add overwrites old user! defect normal BitlBee
#198 Weird Nickname causing disconnect/read error defect normal BitlBee
#199 Jabber protocol should use SRV records to find the server enhancement wishlist Jabber
#200 bitlbee.c:41: warning: passing argument 3 of ‘accept’ from incompatible pointer type defect minor BitlBee
#201 Export/import configuration // settings // accounts enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#202 alias for account in account list enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#203 Bug tracking system broken - email links don't work defect normal BitlBee
#204 Using bitlbee with a proxy--disconnection varies between 2 and 5 minutes when idle. defect normal 1.0.3 IRC
#207 "set" command sets *any* variables, but no way to remove them defect minor BitlBee
#208 No help text for "set display_namechanges" enhancement normal BitlBee
#209 Identify with IRC password? enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#210 <process:728> Glib-Warning **: g_io_win32_set_flags <> not implented defect normal BitlBee
#231 Clean up _connected() event handler when closing a socket defect normal BitlBee
#245 100% CPU bug in irc_free() defect major BitlBee
#250 Replace MD5 and/or SHA1 checksum code defect normal BitlBee
#338 Make new mail notifications optional enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#344 Jabber away state/message parsing not correct defect normal 1.2 Jabber
#347 Groupchat message from unknown participant defect normal 1.2 Jabber
#352 help.txt opened more than once defect normal 1.2 BitlBee
#374 Processes don't die in ForkDaemon + GLib mode defect critical 1.2.1 BitlBee
#384 Don't re-create the iconv "object" all the time defect normal 1.2.1 BitlBee
#386 Crash in "account del" confirmation code defect normal 1.2.1 BitlBee
#393 Exponential backoff in auto_reconnect code defect minor BitlBee
#397 Problems connecting to passworded Jabber conferences defect normal Jabber
#425 Check if the binary still exists when doing a /RESTART defect normal BitlBee
#426 Replace bitlbee.conf parsing code defect normal BitlBee
#428 Add a way to make the daemon mode stop listen()ing. enhancement normal BitlBee
#440 No smooth upgrade path from the old to the new RESTART mechanism defect wishlist 1.2.2 BitlBee
#444 NULL pointer dereference defect critical 1.2.2 BitlBee
#488 Confusing error message when identifying more than once. defect normal BitlBee
#501 /join on an unavailable chat causes NULL pointer dereference defect critical 1.2.4 IRC
#583 Work around new Debian IPv6 idiocy defect normal 1.2.6 BitlBee
#620 Use iconv -> ASCII//TRANSLIT for better nicknames defect normal BitlBee
#637 Clean up chatrooms when leaving/re-entering defect normal BitlBee
#673 Better handling of IPv6 failure defect major BitlBee
#860 Implement ssl_pending() for GnuTLS defect normal BitlBee
#956 Merge some patches from RHEL defect normal BitlBee
#967 repository signing key expired defect normal BitlBee
#1167 Errors when joining groupchat should reply the join with a numeric code defect normal BitlBee
#1178 Support purple_request_input enhancement normal Purple
#1198 There's no way to interrupt proxy_connect() before reaching the connected callback defect normal BitlBee
#1266 Remaining rough edges in the "chat list" feature task normal 3.5 Unspecified / other
#1271 Extended tweets with two or more photos attached show several times defect normal Twitter
#1273 AIM clientlogin enhancement normal OSCAR
#1274 Improve handling of missing protocols defect normal 3.5 Unspecified / other
#1281 bitlbee-libpurple: Use after free when expiring file transfer requests defect normal Unspecified / other
#1282 Null pointer dereference with file transfer request from unknown contacts defect normal Unspecified / other
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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