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#141 closed enhancement (invalid)

Spammed with voice and devoices

Reported by: toxik Owned by:
Priority: wishlist Milestone:
Component: BitlBee Version: 1.0.1
Keywords: away devoice voice Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Linux
OS version/distro: N/A


This is bugging me like hell, and it's when MSN Messenger is setting my contacts status to Busy and Online when they switch between applications in fullscreen and not fullscreen. As you may have figured out, this makes bitlbee spam the control channel with voice/devoice, and yes, sure, you can set away_devoice false, but then I don't know when others that I care about actually come back from say, eating or so.

[15:47:30] # mode/&bitlbee [-v nystrand] by Satan
[15:48:51] # mode/&bitlbee [+v nystrand] by Satan
[15:49:35] # mode/&bitlbee [-v nystrand] by Satan
[15:50:12] # mode/&bitlbee [+v nystrand] by Satan
[15:50:26] # mode/&bitlbee [-v nystrand] by Satan
[15:50:30] # mode/&bitlbee [+v nystrand] by Satan
[15:51:17] # mode/&bitlbee [-v nystrand] by Satan
[15:51:20] # mode/&bitlbee [+v nystrand] by Satan
[15:51:39] # mode/&bitlbee [-v nystrand] by Satan
[15:51:50] # mode/&bitlbee [+v nystrand] by Satan
[15:53:16] # mode/&bitlbee [-v nystrand] by Satan

Just a sample to illustrate what I mean (the actuall log is ten times as long)

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Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed at 2006-04-23T14:01:32Z by wilmer

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

/ignore nystrand VOICE

Or something. This is not a BitlBee bug. :-)

comment:2 Changed at 2006-04-23T15:05:28Z by timing


/ignore &bitlbee modes

comment:3 Changed at 2009-09-03T00:37:57Z by anonymous


"set away_devoice false"

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