Custom Query (26 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#949 "Invalid channel name" after installing Bitlbee defect major BitlBee
#1010 gtalk connections timing out? defect major BitlBee
#1049 Facebook buddylist shows only one or two online wilmer defect major Jabber
#1082 Twitter can't get contact list defect major Twitter
#1087 Yahoo Account Locked defect major BitlBee
#1100 Can no longer connect to msn via xmpp defect major BitlBee
#540 bitlbee connection in Opera browser auto dis-connects defect normal BitlBee
#796 PyICQt transport nickname convention violation wilmer enhancement normal Jabber
#988 gtalk accounts now need to set explicit "server" param task normal BitlBee
#998 Identica timeline reposts replies over and over defect normal Twitter
#1009 Facebook disconnects? defect normal BitlBee
#1024 Facebook oauth token failing on bitlbee (page not found) wilmer defect normal Jabber
#1028 suddenly seeing RTs from users i have set to 'off' defect normal Twitter
#1055 gpg-agent --daemon being spawned every 5 minutes defect normal BitlBee
#1059 Mobile clients do not show up in facebook contacts on irc client wilmer defect normal Jabber
#1062 MSN passport authentication failure (null) wilmer defect normal MSN
#1086 Facebook clients rejoin with profile ID defect normal BitlBee
#1123 Messages are not received correctly Miklos Vajna defect normal Skype
#1174 bitlbee 3.2.2 dbus problem on centos 6 defect normal BitlBee
#1199 Duplicate Nick break's a protocol defect normal BitlBee
#1224 Twitter DMs don't show up randomly defect normal Twitter
#1233 OSCAR (AIM) not working defect normal BitlBee
#1253 Bitlbee crash after updating ubuntu 16 defect normal BitlBee
#1293 'Unknown error while loading configuration' when identifying defect normal BitlBee
#1022 Which handle is bitlbee referring to? wilmer defect minor MSN
#932 Skype plugin should support typing notices Miklos Vajna enhancement wishlist Skype
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.