
#998 closed defect (notmyfault)

Identica timeline reposts replies over and over

Reported by: aaron.toponce@… Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Twitter Version: 3.0.5
Keywords: identica relpy relpies repeat Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Linux
OS version/distro: Debian GNU/Linux unstable


Please see this pastebin:

This is an Idenitca timeline. It seems that the reply notice to me continues to come down the timeline until there is a new notice from anyone other than me. This does not happen with my Twitter account.

Attachments (1)

identica.cap (173.4 KB) - added by aaron.toponce@… at 2012-10-22T17:32:08Z.
tcpdump(1) of the repeated reply ontices.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (17)

comment:1 Changed at 2012-10-22T10:35:06Z by roughnecks@…

I'm currently experiencing the same issue: full log is here

comment:2 Changed at 2012-10-22T15:32:50Z by aaron.toponce@…

Here is another paste. According to this paste, new posts from someone other than me do not stop the reply flood.

comment:3 Changed at 2012-10-22T16:20:40Z by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>

I wonder whether this is a problem with cursor behaviour. This could probably be confirmed with a tcpdump (assuming you're not using SSL).

What I expect is the response will say "I have messages up to ID $blah", and the next request says "I want messages frmo $blah and up".

This happens with mentions only? Have you tried disabling those?

comment:4 Changed at 2012-10-22T16:24:28Z by anonymous

I am using SSL, actually. I'll reconnect without, and run a tcpdump, and post the result as an attachment. Also, what do you mean by disabling mentions? In the settings, or in Bitlbee?

comment:5 Changed at 2012-10-22T16:26:06Z by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>

The "fetch_mentions" account setting in BitlBee. The messages that get stuck are all mentions.

Changed at 2012-10-22T17:32:08Z by aaron.toponce@…

Attachment: identica.cap added

tcpdump(1) of the repeated reply ontices.

comment:6 Changed at 2012-10-22T17:34:08Z by aaron.toponce@…

Here is the pastebin to accompany the packet capture:

comment:7 Changed at 2012-10-26T12:01:36Z by Flexo <…>

I'm also getting this problem, I just don't get many replies on! I also often have my own statuses echoed a day (exactly a day) after sending them, although that seems to be intermittent so I'm guessing it's's fault.

comment:8 Changed at 2012-10-27T12:52:17Z by Flexo <…>

I let the reply from yesterday repeat until now, looks like it wasn't a time zone issue like I speculated after all, since it's still going more than 24 hours after it stopped.

comment:9 Changed at 2012-10-27T14:20:24Z by Flexo <…>

I've been looking into this some more. I'm pretty sure it's an bug now but I'd like to try pinning down the behaviour anyway. If anyone else could give it a try that'd be handy.

Bitlbee makes the request for recent mentions by requesting something along the lines of where 97553878 is the id of the most recent mention status. (You can get this from the website's URL for that status, or by sticking something like imcb_chat_log(td->timeline_gc, "since_id : %s", args[5]); below line 879 (in r938) in protocols/twitter/twitter_lib.c)

For me, that's still returning the most recent mention (the one with the given ID) even though it shouldn't. Changing since_id to 0 shows a lot more mentions, so's obviously doing /something/ here. My first test was to add one to the ID in case was off by one; didn't help. I put in a massively higher number though, and the response was correctly empty. Narrowing it down, it seems that adding 75 finally makes the response empty! (ie, for my number above, 97553953 did the trick, while anything <= 97553952 still returned the mention.)

The mind boggles. files a bug saying that the since_id is off by 1, whereas I'm finding it's off by 75. Maybe we can get some more numbers together here :)

comment:10 Changed at 2012-12-19T22:00:39Z by wilmer

Strangely I seem to be getting the same behaviour with Twitter now in the JSON branch, if you turn off the streaming API.

comment:11 Changed at 2012-12-29T22:54:02Z by wilmer

That was happening only with retweets and fixed by changeset:json,986. This seems to be a different issue since the pastebin above was repeating non-RT posts.

Is this still happening at all?

comment:12 Changed at 2013-01-02T17:32:47Z by Flexo <…>

I haven't had anybody retweet me or others on my identica timeline, but I'm not getting the issue with replies any more, no.

comment:13 Changed at 2013-01-02T17:52:55Z by wilmer

Resolution: notmyfault
Status: newclosed

Ok, let's assume folks fixed whatever it is that they broke.

comment:14 Changed at 2013-01-04T02:37:40Z by gregoa

interesting. especially since I'm still seeing this right now.

comment:15 Changed at 2013-01-04T23:55:46Z by skizzhg

It's not fixed at all indeed, and on the side I don't see anyone interested in...

comment:16 Changed at 2013-01-06T14:19:17Z by wilmer

Ok, not sure what this is then, but I must admit that I don't care much about fixing what really seems to be's fault either. I appreciate the free software spirit behind it and all, but it's the *Twitter* API they're implementing, so they better do it right. Plus, from what I hear it's slowly turning into a ghost town..

What Flexo describes clearly sounds like they're not handling the since_id parameter properly. If someone can tell me how BitlBee can work around this (or what other clients are doing differently from BitlBee), I'll fix it.

I've considered a workaround (just manually de-duping) but I don't like the idea of it.

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