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#540 closed defect (notmyfault)

bitlbee connection in Opera browser auto dis-connects

Reported by: jwednesday@… Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: BitlBee Version: 1.2.3
Keywords: Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Public server
OS version/distro: Kubuntu 9.04 9.10 and Linux Mint 7


I am using Kubuntu 9.04, 9.10, and Linux Mint 7 KDE versions and I am connected to the server. After a while, the connection auto dis-connects. The connection last for about 20 min then cuts off.

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Change History (6)

comment:1 Changed at 2010-03-14T17:07:03Z by wilmer

So we figured out a little while ago that this is a problem with Opera. Not sure what goes wrong exactly, but Opera thinks the connection is dead and disconnects. If you could help out with debugging this a little bit more, that'd be great.

comment:2 Changed at 2010-03-14T17:17:42Z by "James Harris" <jwednesday@…>

that would be great but what do you want me to do? I am somewhat
technical but will help as best as I can

On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 13:07:03 -0400, BitlBee <www-data@…>

#540: bitlbee connection in Opera browser auto dis-connects

Reporter: jwednesday@… | Type: defect

Status: new | Priority: normal

Milestone: | Component: BitlBee

Version: 1.2.3 | Keywords:

Irc_client: Client-independent | Os: Public
Os_version: Kubuntu 9.04 9.10 and Linux Mint 7 |

Comment(by wilmer):

So we figured out a little while ago that this is a problem with Opera.
Not sure what goes wrong exactly, but Opera thinks the connection is


and disconnects. If you could help out with debugging this a little bit
more, that'd be great.

comment:3 Changed at 2010-06-15T16:53:58Z by wilmer

My apologies for the slow reaction: I decided to just download Opera myself and see what's going on. It seems very odd, the connection disappears without any warning. I don't know why...

comment:4 Changed at 2010-06-16T02:31:33Z by "James Harris" <jwednesday@…>

This seems to be working now and has been for a while. I am not sure why I got this? I reported it to Wilmer and he seems to have fixed the problem.

Jim Harris

On Tue, 15 Jun 2010 12:53:59 -0400, BitlBee <www-data@…> wrote:

[quote removed]

comment:5 Changed at 2010-06-16T16:23:02Z by wilmer

Hah, I didn't realise it was you back then. :-) It looks like this is indeed a ping issue, and I now really see Opera breaking the connection. This is a bug, I should try to report it with them.

In the meantime, BitlBee can work around it by sending pings more frequently.

comment:6 Changed at 2014-07-07T10:42:44Z by dx

Resolution: notmyfault
Status: newclosed

So, not our bug, cleaning up this ancient ticket!

In the meantime, BitlBee can work around it by sending pings more frequently.

FWIW, this can be set in bitlbee.conf

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