

02:15 Changeset [5c163e5] by Eneas U de Queiroz <cote2004-github@…>
Openssl 1.1 support This adds openssl 1.1.0 support. Signed-off-by: …


16:14 Ticket #1305 (option to force TLS version) created by ilf
TLS 1.3 is almost done: …


18:53 Ticket #1304 (jabber: set server domain manually) created by ilf
The Jabber protocol handler seems to take the server to connect to …


20:39 Ticket #1303 (jabber: improve certificate error messages) created by ilf
I just tried logging into a XMPP server and got this error: > Login …
13:20 Changeset [896bea2] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Fix bitlbee.org URLs.


23:59 Ticket #973 (Double-away unsets away mode on AIM) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing because AIM is dead
23:57 Ticket #19 (Improve oscar infrastructure) closed by dx
unlikelytobedone: Yeah this one isn't happening.
23:56 Ticket #943 (Federated MSN contacts don't show up) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing because the MSN plugin was removed in …
23:56 Ticket #825 (msn: removed buddies still appear in buddy list) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing because the MSN plugin was removed in …
23:55 Ticket #993 (One of those weird issues when adding contacts on msn) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing because the MSN plugin was removed in …
23:55 Ticket #902 (msn contacts failing - adding and online status) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing because the MSN plugin was removed in …
23:55 Ticket #530 (Asynchronous writes in the MSN module) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing because the MSN plugin was removed in …
23:54 Ticket #1273 (AIM clientlogin) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing because AIM is dead
23:52 Ticket #931 (Offline messaging support for AIM (OSCAR)?) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing because AIM is dead (ICQ isn't and this says it works with ICQ)
23:51 Ticket #947 (skyped: better support for disconnected bitlbee) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing all skype tickets (plugin removed in …
23:50 Ticket #1176 (First message in a new skype chat gets lost) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing all skype tickets (plugin removed in …
23:50 Ticket #1169 ([patch] Skype protocol: DISPLAYNAME) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing all skype tickets (plugin removed in …
23:50 Ticket #1066 (Randomly appearing skype contact info) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing all skype tickets (plugin removed in …
23:50 Ticket #966 (skyped hangs shortly after client connects) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing all skype tickets (plugin removed in …
23:50 Ticket #951 (bitlbee-plugin-skype segfaults) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing all skype tickets (plugin removed in …
23:49 Ticket #915 (Skype group conversation) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing all skype tickets (plugin removed in …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.