

22:18 Ticket #1270 (bitlbee-purple resets contact groups on reconnect) created by me@…
How to reproduce * join never existed channel, {{{/join …


18:16 Ticket #1269 (Can't log into ICQ using bitlbee-libpurple) reopened by dx
Maaaaybe shouldn't have closed this so soon. Either way thanks for …
08:25 Ticket #1269 (Can't log into ICQ using bitlbee-libpurple) closed by dx
invalid: This is a libpurple bug fixed in 2.11.0 Quoting the …
08:20 Ticket #1269 (Can't log into ICQ using bitlbee-libpurple) created by km@…
Trying to log into ICQ using bitlbee-libpurple fails with an incorrect …


08:21 Ticket #918 (move messages written in other clients into the chat) closed by dx
wontfix: The bitlbee feature this ticket mentions now exists and is called …
08:16 Ticket #264 (BitlBee not responding well to changing user groups) closed by dx
obsolete: No complaints about this in years, assuming it's not an issue anymore. …
08:12 Ticket #266 (MSN users info?) closed by dx
08:10 Ticket #120 (stripping some chars in message to chatroom) closed by dx
obsolete: Just going to close this instead. If anyone cares, comment/reopen.
08:08 Ticket #732 (Commands do not fail gracefully) closed by dx
worksforme: Not sure why this one was left open
08:06 Ticket #562 (feature requst: oscar: ignore authentication request from unknown sources) closed by dx
07:56 Ticket #221 (corrupted offline messages containing both ascii and non-ascii chars) closed by dx
obsolete: Probably safe to assume no one is using mirabilis icq 2003b pro …
07:50 Ticket #21 (ICQ Contact appears offline but isn't) closed by dx
obsolete: No reports of anything like this in a few years, considering it fixed.
07:50 Ticket #206 (Bitlbee appears offline to others when it isn't.) closed by dx
obsolete: No reports of anything like this in a few years, considering it fixed. …
07:48 Ticket #235 (Report idle status or add 'Forward to Mobile' away state capability for AIM) closed by dx
other: This looks like something that can be configured from the website …
07:04 Ticket #1258 (Is there a MOTD line limit? Cut off after line 43 in IRC client.) closed by dx
fixed: https://github.com/bitlbee/bitlbee/commit/b7fec480e00b1b9ba68a403d0b083
07:00 Changeset [c94e208] by dequis <dx@…>
oscar: remove some dead code
06:57 Changeset [b7fec48] by dequis <dx@…>
Support motd.txt files bigger than 2048 chars By using …


04:37 Changeset [f95e606] by dequis <dx@…>
chat list: Fix alignment/truncation when utf8 characters are present …
04:34 Changeset [4466e3e] by dequis <dx@…>
misc: Add str_pad_and_truncate() helper function Useful for tables. …
02:46 Changeset [399d65a] by dequis <dx@…>
jabber: Implement chat list command Also applies to hipchat.


06:58 Changeset [2906268] by dequis <dx@…>
lib/sha1: Refactor sha1_hmac into a generic b_hmac function
06:51 Changeset [6e991a9] by dequis <dx@…>
Turn purple_chatlist_free() into a imcb_chat_list_free() I found …
06:51 Changeset [a08b2db] by dequis <dx@…>
Rename bee_chat_list_finish() to imcb_chat_list_finish() …


08:12 Changeset [9698fc0] by dequis <dx@…>
jabber: Don't pass a readonly empty string to imcb_chat_topic() Fixes …


11:20 Ticket #1268 (Error running on Synology firsttime) created by henk@…
When installing the Bitlbee on Synology with the package center and …


18:12 Ticket #1267 (JIDs show up in Jabber rooms for Admins) created by anonymous
I'm not quite sure what #415 fixed, but the fix didn't apply to me. If …
06:39 Changeset [01d56c0] by dequis <dx@…>
purple: Fix handling of empty, immediate roomlist results Two issues …


12:19 Changeset [ba52ac5] by Wilmer van der Gaast <github@…>
Update WhatsApp plugin for yowsup 2.5 (#87) The removed imports …


00:56 Changeset [58d285a] by dequis <dx@…>
twitter: fix quoted tweet expansion in extended tweets The outermost …


17:53 Changeset [82e55d2] by dequis <dx@…>
ssl_openssl: Allow TLS versions newer than 1.0 Another victim of …


03:56 Changeset [ff468a7] by dequis <dx@…>
Fix crash when setting away in protocols with null away_states list …


04:55 Ticket #1262 (Please allow period (.) in nicks) closed by dx
duplicate: This is pretty much the same thing as #1243
04:50 Ticket #336 (user notification on add requests) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing all yahoo tickets, the old yahoo protocol is dead.
04:49 Ticket #1030 (Command `block' not supported by yahoo protocol) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing all yahoo tickets, the old yahoo protocol is dead.
04:49 Ticket #681 (bitlbee not recognising when yahoo is disconnected) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing all yahoo tickets, the old yahoo protocol is dead.
04:49 Ticket #586 (Cannot add/accept Yahoo contacts) closed by dx
obsolete: Closing all yahoo tickets, the old yahoo protocol is dead.
03:07 Changeset [1a8875f] by dequis <dx@…>
purple: Fix another issue where /join results in two channels Follow …
02:21 Changeset [985d66d] by dequis <dx@…>
twitter: don't count filter stream reply as valid pongs Twitter …


20:14 Changeset [3fbce97] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Merge branch 'master' into parson
14:53 Changeset [524e931] by dx <dx@…>
purple: support setting chat room topics (#84)
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.