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#264 closed defect (obsolete)

BitlBee not responding well to changing user groups

Reported by: rushfan73@… Owned by: Jelmer Vernooij
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: OSCAR Version: 1.0.3
Keywords: buddy list, status Cc:
IRC client+version: irssi-0.8.10-r3 Operating System: Linux
OS version/distro: Gentoo Linux


Today I was on a different computer using AIM, when I noticed that all of my buddies were in different groups.This was somewhat annoying to me, so I decided to move all of my buddies into one group ('Astros').

When I got back to my main computer and logged into bitlbee I noticed something odd. The users who remained in the same group showed up in my buddylist, and gave me the usual:

-!- account_truncated ( has quit: Leaving...

The users that had been moved to a different group did not show up on my buddy list and I got messages such as:

19:17 <@root> TOC - serv_got_update() for handle account_truncated:
19:17 <@root> TOC - loggedin = 1, type = 17

To attempt to resolve the problem, I:

  • restarted bitlbee, but the problem persisted
  • I then deleted my account with the drop command, uninstalled bitlbee, and reinstalled it, but the problem persistent

I made no changes to the IRC client (IRSSI) before, during, or after these problems occurred.

I'm currently using Bitlbee version Bitlbee-1.0.3 on a Gentoo linux installation.

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Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed at 2007-04-21T04:30:21Z by wilmer

Milestone: 1.0.3

Milestone == version number where we expect to fix this bug. Setting it to a version that was released already doesn't make sense, and normally such a variable i set by developers only.

Somehow I never saw this bug report so far, pretty strange. This behaviour from the OSCAR module is also pretty strange and annoying. :-( If you could make a traffic dump so I can analyze this a little bit, that would be great.

comment:2 Changed at 2007-04-21T04:30:38Z by wilmer

Component: BitlBeeOSCAR
Owner: set to Jelmer Vernooij

comment:3 Changed at 2016-10-18T08:16:45Z by dx

Resolution: obsolete
Status: newclosed

No complaints about this in years, assuming it's not an issue anymore. Otherwise comment/reopen.

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as closed The owner will remain Jelmer Vernooij.
The resolution will be deleted.

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