

17:32 Ticket #816 (MSN blocklist not working?) created by snofox@…
I've repeatedly blocked a spam bot as well as someone I used to have …


17:49 Ticket #815 (identify -noload doesn't work with /oper) created by me@…
"identify -noload" doesn't work if the password is not specified with …
08:04 Changeset [a010498] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Fixed dumb file descriptor leak.


17:26 Ticket #814 (Can't use /oper to change passwords of existing accounts.) created by nbowler@…
When adding a new account, one can omit the password and use /oper to …


14:15 Changeset [b518cdc] by unknown <vmiklos@…>
Drop no longer necessary autofoo from skype plugin dir
14:15 Changeset [5155570] by unknown <vmiklos@…>
Install skyped documentation if skype is enabled
14:14 Changeset [b5a5938] by unknown <vmiklos@…>
Install skyped if skype is enabled


16:35 Ticket #813 (Oscar module fails to produce outgoing Unicode messages) closed by wilmer
fixed: changeset:devel,800. Thank you!
16:34 Changeset [f5da476] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Fixed use of g_iconv() in do_iconv(). This was done wrong for ages and …
14:42 Ticket #813 (Oscar module fails to produce outgoing Unicode messages) created by dalias
The oscar module handles character encoding for outgoing messages by …


17:14 Ticket #812 (Twitter confirm of follow request) created by david@…
When following a new id in Twitter, it would be nice to get a …


23:30 Changeset [004f494] by Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@…>
skype: .gitignore -> .bzrignore
23:29 Changeset [66911fc] by Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@…>
configure: --skype=plugin -> --skype=1
23:25 Changeset [2ff0f37] by Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@…>
skyped: user configuration should have priority
01:59 Changeset [f1cf01c] by Sven Moritz Hallberg <pesco@…>
report trust state in gone_secure/still_secure messages
01:35 Changeset [1082395] by Sven Moritz Hallberg <pesco@…>
treat OTR plaintext as HTML (setting otr_does_html)
00:40 Changeset [9a57b1f] by Sven Moritz Hallberg <pesco@…>
bump copyright year


07:16 Ticket #811 (no way to block people not on your contact list) created by dchmelik@…
Someone on AIM not on my contact list keeps messaging me, and I would …


20:53 Ticket #810 (In non-anonymous Jabber rooms, using the full Jabber ID as nick will ...) created by matrixagent
When one joins a non-anonyomus Jabber room, the participant list of …
15:14 Ticket #809 (Email Based Protocal) created by Giggaflop
I would love to migrate all my everyday messaging needs to IRC, …
11:18 Ticket #808 (Authentication failure in gmail. Pass it's okay) created by jogarlo18@…
I have added a jabber account hosted in jabberes.org and it works …


18:00 Ticket #807 (Setting /away to invisible/hidden doesn't change your status to ...) created by anonymous
I've tested this only on AIM/oscar. Setting /away on invisble or …


22:33 Ticket #719 (Pasting a few lines makes otr crash bitlbee) closed by pesco
22:32 Ticket #694 (OTR kills the Bee) closed by pesco
22:31 Changeset [1dc00fe] by Sven Moritz Hallberg <pesco@…>
make otr status changes visible again
22:28 Changeset [a0c6fc5] by Sven Moritz Hallberg <pesco@…>
fix possible segfault(s) when changing otr status


04:13 Changeset [0c42c65] by Elizabeth Krumbach <lyz@…>
Add notes about multi-channel support and tags to quickstart.
04:04 Changeset [d4a0a0a] by Elizabeth Krumbach <lyz@…>
Merge rename with add and remove in quickstart
01:11 Ticket #806 (bitlbee with otr crash) created by anonymous
1. I had a conversation with a user days ago. They sign off. 2. …


09:34 Ticket #805 (Twitter: auto-delete old tweets) created by ilf@…
I'd like to only keep a certain threshold of Tweets in my Twitter …


13:04 Ticket #804 (configure : line 'twitter=1' unnecessarily duplicated.) created by andrew@…


16:51 Ticket #803 (Google talk timeouts..) created by brynet@…
I've been seeing timeouts with gtalk xmpp connections, setting the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.