

09:06 Ticket #1184 (Twitter module doesn't handle 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable very well) created by Overspark
If Twitter is over capacity bitlbee doesn't handle that very well: …


18:41 Ticket #1183 (skyped: Warning, SSL init failed) closed by Miklos Vajna
notabug: Glad to hear. :-) If you want to craft a patch that tries to detect …
16:19 Ticket #1183 (skyped: Warning, SSL init failed) created by will.j.pittman@…
Skype: bitlbee: 3.2.2 skype4py: 1.0.35.r7 OS: Archlinux …
05:09 Ticket #869 (aim/oscar away glitch) closed by dx
duplicate: Marking as duplicate of #973, which is newer, but better explained.
04:33 BadContent edited by dx
well i hope nobody talks about auctions. (diff)
04:27 Ticket #772 (bitlbee and gtalk routing issues) closed by dx
invalid: Uh, old ticket, but closing because works-for-me (messages arrive to …


23:59 Ticket #50 (Patch to register SIGUSR1 for reconnecting all) closed by dx
wontfix: [[http://bugs.bitlbee.org/bitlbee/changeset/devel,1069/devel/|Revision
18:17 Ticket #1138 ('Some' twitter accounts don't show join messages when following) closed by dx
fixed: Revision 1067 fixes this: …
17:58 Changeset [bc7a0d4] by dequis <dx@…>
msn: configurable notification server host/port


02:23 Ticket #1182 ("help" support in twitter mode) created by anarcat+bitlbee@…
I keep on having to dig for the URL of this page: …


05:30 Ticket #1181 (XML stream error, no RX) created by anonymous
<xmlconsole> TX: <?xml version='1.0' ?><stream:stream to="XXXXX" …


04:09 Ticket #642 (Windows Live Groups and Bitlbee) closed by dx
obsolete: According to this page, this feature (persistent groups) doesn't exist …
03:53 Ticket #363 (MSN (Now Playing Status Message)) closed by dx
obsolete: Nuking this. MSNP isn't exactly 'deprecated' but the newer version of …


05:25 Changeset [7233f68] by dequis <dx@…>
Improved signal handling to avoid deadlocks - SIGSEGV: broadcast a …
05:25 Changeset [6f6725c] by dequis <dx@…>
Use irc_write_all() to send the message in bitlbee_shutdown This …


05:16 Changeset [9f8bb17] by dequis <dx@…>
twitter: Use g_strcasecmp for screen_name Fixes a few minor bugs with …
05:16 Changeset [b38d399] by dequis <dx@…>
Use glib functions for base64 decoding/encoding This fixes several …
05:16 Changeset [e2472dd] by dequis <dx@…>
configure: --asan=1 parameter for AddressSanitizer Requires gcc >=4.8 …


05:57 Changeset [aa6bcd8] by dequis <dx@…>
msn: add 'allow' role if contact has neither block nor allow This …
05:57 Changeset [3325df7] by dequis <dx@…>
msn_buddy_ask: only ask to add if contact is in pending list …
05:57 Changeset [a77a9ef] by dequis <dx@…>
msn: Update ApplicationId again to one used by skype Because why not


06:20 Changeset [81186736] by dequis <dx@…>
msn: update ABService ApplicationId to WLM 2012 to fix login The …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.