

09:20 Changeset [82135c7] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Not trying to handle typing notifications from unknown buddies anymore …


22:34 Ticket #308 (Improve "unknown" handle message) created by anonymous
Currently when somebody send you a message and you don't have that …


15:36 Ticket #307 (resolving resolved connection error. why?) created by huuk
im login in with afkim1.2.3 if i creat an bitlebeacount these error …
08:42 Ticket #306 (GTalk messaging & presence problems) closed by wilmer
fixed: This is a known problem with the old Jabber module. Please try out …
03:47 Ticket #306 (GTalk messaging & presence problems) created by Chascon
There are various issues with GTalk. First of all, some contacts …


05:15 Ticket #305 (yahoo contacts don't stick and ":" added to contact's name) created by Chascon
I had a problem with yahoo where I could receive messages from a yahoo …


20:21 Ticket #304 (when identified dis-/re-connect every 300 seconds) closed by wilmer
invalid: This is an interesting problem. Partially it's a bug, but it happens …
19:12 Changeset [1baaef8] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Added jabber_error_parse() and using it for both stream- and stanza …


13:22 Ticket #304 (when identified dis-/re-connect every 300 seconds) created by anonymous
When I'm registered and identified at im.bitlbee.org I keep being dis- …


08:05 Ticket #303 (/invite support for jabber chatroom) created by misc@…
Jabber groupchat support the concept of invitation, here is a patch …


13:44 Ticket #302 (Named chat room should show the topic of the room) created by misc@…
Right now, using the new-jabber branch, if you join a jabber chatroom, …


15:50 Ticket #300 (Support for xep-0012 ( Last Activity )) created by misc@…
Xep-0012 is a proposal for something similar to idle time for jabber. …
14:51 Ticket #299 (wrong help for join_chat) created by misc@…
Seems help join_chat is not correct in new-jabber branch : […] …


15:47 Changeset [85023c6] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Added imcb_clean_handle() to sanitize handles properly (without …


23:54 Changeset [a8a0b4c] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Merge from Jelmer (making GCC4 happy by sanitizing some typecasting …
23:47 Changeset [1da00b1] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Hiding LDAP support because it doesn't actually work at all ATM.
23:45 Changeset [1ffb46f] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Added join_chat command to the "help groupchat" information.
17:24 Changeset [8c4afbfa] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Merging more debian/ changes.
17:20 Changeset [cbaac62] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Adding an epoch to "spoofed" version numbers to make sure apt doesn't …


20:08 Ticket #298 (removed buddies reappear) created by dclark@…
So I have a problem that when I delete IM contacts they just re-appear …
19:14 Ticket #296 (Im "mirc scripter" and im trying to do a socket connection with bitlbee) closed by wilmer
fixed: Not sure what you're doing exactly, but I think you have to insert a : …


14:22 Changeset [c9c7ca7] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Fixed imc_logout() (assigning u too early). Stupid me.
09:03 Ticket #297 (sethostent(1) in protocols/proxy.c) closed by wilmer
fixed: Ask the guy who wrote that file. It's gone in dev already, it's …
08:17 Ticket #297 (sethostent(1) in protocols/proxy.c) created by anonymous
Why is the reason for $subj since that makes bitlbee proc keep …
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