

19:05 Changeset [c5dd164] by VMiklos <vmiklos@…>
update group chat status to be honest, today i had to use skype group …


11:39 Ticket #324 (MSN - banned when trying to remove a contact) created by Dam
Hello, Here's what I got when trying to remove someone from my MSN …


08:09 Ticket #323 (Can't change resource for a jabber account) closed by wilmer
fixed: Fixed in devel, thanks for the report. :-)
08:08 Changeset [9334cc2] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Fixed NULL pointer dereference in "account set" command. That command …
00:48 Ticket #323 (Can't change resource for a jabber account) created by padde
Hi, today I wanted to change my resource field from 'BitlBee' to …


18:36 Changeset [25d87e4] by VMiklos <vmiklos@…>
README: link gitweb
18:31 Changeset [3d9a92b] by VMiklos <vmiklos@…>
Merge branch 'master' of …
18:31 Changeset [4c3a4c8] by VMiklos <vmiklos@…>
README: spelling fixes


14:16 Changeset [368861e] by VMiklos <vmiklos@…>
skype_data struct: some more comments also renmae r_inpa to bfd


09:53 Ticket #322 (Get nick from server when adding new (ICQ) buddies) created by mortenjo+bitlbee@…
If I add a person to my ICQ buddies with bitlbee, they typically get …


02:38 Ticket #321 (Stipulating a Nick Name with the add Command Creates Duplicity) created by Chascon
Problem: "add usename@… NickName" creates the contact on the …


22:26 Changeset [8de38e9] by VMiklos <vmiklos@…>
updates for 0.1.4


22:11 Changeset [af8675f] by VMiklos <vmiklos@…>
skyped: handle a possible IOError
08:04 Ticket #320 (nick change = endless loop of error messages) created by DatLicht
Hi, if change the nick, I'll get an endless loop of "nick change too …


16:29 Changeset [dffa24f] by VMiklos <vmiklos@…>
flame about skype memleaks


20:57 Ticket #319 (msn notifications) created by tg
Feature request: support for msn notifications more info: …
19:18 Changeset [65e4020] by VMiklos <vmiklos@…>
add a 'thanks' list
18:11 Changeset [8b3beef] by VMiklos <vmiklos@…>
don't use internal exceptions either
18:04 Changeset [5268bd7] by VMiklos <vmiklos@…>
do not use internal functions for receiving messages thanks awahlig
18:01 Changeset [bfe5a8a] by VMiklos <vmiklos@…>
do not use internal functions for sending messages thanks awahlig …
14:40 Changeset [80d9004] by VMiklos <vmiklos@…>
users should try git before reporting bugs
14:34 Changeset [54c269d] by VMiklos <vmiklos@…>
README: a note about why a skype instance is still required
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.