

16:08 Ticket #1155 (DCC transfer aborted: inet_ntop failed: Address family not supported ...) created by dx
Adding a ticket here so I don't forget about it. Was reported several …


12:20 Ticket #1154 ([Jabber] Display message from unknown participants as normal messages) created by celestin.matte@…
It is really annoying to see "@root | Message from unknown …


22:20 BadContent edited by wilmer
Die fucking spam shitheads, die already. (diff)


14:56 BadContent edited by wilmer
09:45 BadContent edited by wilmer
08:03 Changeset [7b05842] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Merging test suite fixes from Jelmer.


03:27 Ticket #1151 (Source ID 48 was not found when attempting to remove it) closed by dx
notmyfault: If it's in the weechat console then it's a weechat issue. Bitlbee runs …


17:00 Changeset [6a6d7d8] by Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer@…>
Fix building of testsuite.
16:59 Changeset [3e16fb8] by Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer@…>
Fix compiler warnings in testsuite/.


11:23 Ticket #1153 (Debian package for Ubuntu Trusty) created by ilf@…
Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty has been released. Please add a repo: …


14:08 Ticket #1152 (nick_format broken on NetBSD (g_convert_with_fallback() always fails)) created by harlos
NetBSD's implementation of iconv does not appear to support …


08:45 Ticket #1151 (Source ID 48 was not found when attempting to remove it) created by anonymous
I saw this on my WeeChat console when connecting to Bitlbee, not sure …


18:05 Ticket #1150 (otr info display problems) created by freefall
Using recent bitlbee builds (currently …


13:00 Ticket #1087 (Yahoo Account Locked) closed by dx
notmyfault: There have been some changes in the yahoo servers that confirm this is …
12:53 Ticket #1148 (leading quotation mark is stripped in replies in twitter) closed by dx
duplicate: Duplicate of #1044


16:50 Ticket #1149 (provide a way to reply to a tweet without requiring that it starts ...) created by bitlbee@…
For instance, people sometimes use a leading . or or something …
16:45 Ticket #1148 (leading quotation mark is stripped in replies in twitter) created by bitlbee@…
If I say reply ff "foo", I end up with a tweet that looks like …
16:43 Ticket #1147 (provide a way to view an entire conversation in twitter) created by bitlbee@…
Sometimes, people I'm following will be having a conversation with …


14:55 Ticket #1146 (Systemd service file incorrect configuration) created by davispuh
Currently bitlbee.service have […] But I don't think -F using …
14:01 Ticket #1145 ("imcb_buddy_status() for unknown handle" after removing buddy) created by bitlbee.org@…
I have handle_unknown set to add_private and had a spambot, so I …


12:30 Ticket #1144 (Support XEP-0249 direct MUC invitations) created by zash@…
Support for receiving and sending XMPP invites. There are two …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.