

21:03 Ticket #560 (Conversion of '.accounts' file to .xml file fails when 'Authmode = ...) created by justa
I'm running a debian box and 'somewhere along the line', debian …


15:35 Ticket #558 (Add O_SYNC to open() when writing XML configuration) closed by wilmer
duplicate: #559
13:23 Ticket #559 (Add O_SYNC to open() when writing XML configuration) created by silasdb@…
The XML configuration can get corrupted due to a system crash. Is it …
13:22 Ticket #558 (Add O_SYNC to open() when writing XML configuration) created by silasdb@…
The XML configuration can get corrupted due to a system crash. Is it …


09:34 BadContent edited by wilmer
A spammer just treated me with about 20 more drugs tickets overnight. … (diff)


10:49 BadContent edited by wilmer


22:28 BadContent edited by wilmer


21:34 Ticket #557 (') created by domen@…
Missing HTML interpretation? I get ' written as ' ie. coz i …


11:22 Ticket #556 (Extra Characters in Jabber Messages) created by campino2k@…
In an new Conversation with some People using Jabber over Pidgin I got …


00:55 Ticket #555 (MSN login failure .............. I could not login , why is that ?) created by gogofamily08@…
identify xxxxxxxxx Password accepted, settings and accounts loaded …


11:15 BadContent edited by wilmer


12:16 Changeset [e08e53c] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Fixed build system: Run pkg-config at configure-time instead of just …


00:00 Milestone 1.4 completed
1.2, or maybe 1.4? (We're thinking of using a version numbering style …
00:00 Milestone 1.2.8 completed
00:00 Milestone 2.0 completed
This one never happened.
00:00 Milestone 1.2.x completed
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.