
#90 closed defect (worksforme)

msn + accented letters error

Reported by: dy Owned by: wilmer
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: MSN Version: 1.0.1
Keywords: Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Linux
OS version/distro:


helo, i just found a little error:

kata's first line does not use correct charset or something. but her 3rd line is fine.

<kata> á semmi,nemrég keltem mert azt a buzi köcsög orarendet kelett csinálni,alig tudtam vmit aludni,mert nem engedett fel a kurva neptunk,aztán ugy vtam vele hogy nem érdekel és lefeküdtem,aztán 5kor kelés,megcsinálni azt a szart,de annyi orám van/lesz hogy már most fáj... <kata>,\@TCBE(200b9)(10c)\@TCEE <dy> hubaszki ebbol nemsok mindent látok <dy> ja neptunk szutyok ;/ <kata> ugyhogy most még zenét hallgatok,de mindjárt megnézem fürész 2t megint

im using bzr.

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Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed at 2006-01-23T14:57:59Z by wilmer

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

The problem is most likely that the person sent you a character that doesn't exist in iso8859-2 (which is, I guess, the charset you're using). Iconv then usually gives up on the whole string, so nothing gets converted.

The best solution is probably to make your IRC client use UTF-8, there shouldn't be conversion issues then.

I'll close this one, because this is actually a limitation in your charset, nothing BitlBee can do about that (except that it could handle these things differently, but I think there's no way to make iconv ignore unknown chars)...

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as closed The owner will remain wilmer.
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