
#707 closed defect (fixed)

Can not disable OTR once set up

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: pesco
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: OTR Version: 3.0
Keywords: Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Linux
OS version/distro: Debian Lenny


I'm using Bitlbee-libpurple with the OTR plugin. Specifically:

ii bitlbee-common 1:bzr-devel-714-0 An IRC to other chat networks gateway (commo ii bitlbee-libpurple 1:bzr-devel-714-0 An IRC to other chat networks gateway (using ii bitlbee-plugin-otr 1:bzr-devel-714-0 An IRC to other chat networks gateway (defau

I started an OTR conversation with someone that is using Adium. We both validated each others fingerprints.

However, now we want to remove OTR but it seems impossible. Even if we both completely remove each others fingerprints and disconnect OTR, as soon as we send a message to each other OTR somehow turns it's self back on. Not sure which side is causing the problem but I know OTR is quite young in Bitlbee...

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Change History (6)

comment:1 Changed at 2010-12-15T23:49:07Z by anonymous

I don't seem to be able to disable it either; it just says "unknown user".

comment:2 Changed at 2011-07-29T07:43:25Z by pesco

Owner: set to pesco
Status: newaccepted

this is controlled by the OTR policy setting. see help set otr_policy. on the default "opportunistic" setting, OTR indeed establishes an encrypted channel when it sees that the other party supports it. and it always annouces its ability with the first plain-text message you send to a user. you can set the policy to "manual" or "never" for a different behavior.

NB: there is no per-user policy setting at this time, only the global one.

out of curiosity, why do you want to disable it? is there some usability problem or otherwise undesirable effect?

comment:3 Changed at 2011-07-29T07:55:24Z by pesco

created a wishlist ticket for per-user policies: #818

comment:4 Changed at 2011-07-29T07:55:46Z by pesco

Component: BitlBeeOTR
Keywords: OTR removed

comment:5 Changed at 2011-09-30T04:55:24Z by pesco

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

seems resolved, with any followup in #818. closing.

comment:6 in reply to:  2 Changed at 2015-12-29T13:41:03Z by anonymous

Replying to pesco:

this is controlled by the OTR policy setting. see help set otr_policy. on the default "opportunistic" setting, OTR indeed establishes an encrypted channel when it sees that the other party supports it. and it always annouces its ability with the first plain-text message you send to a user. you can set the policy to "manual" or "never" for a different behavior.

NB: there is no per-user policy setting at this time, only the global one.

out of curiosity, why do you want to disable it? is there some usability problem or otherwise undesirable effect?

Not the original submitter, but in my case the conversation refresh with a Gmail contact caused his phone to act as it'd received a message from me, which happened every ~1-2 hours.

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as closed The owner will remain pesco.
The resolution will be deleted.

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