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#340 closed defect (fixed)

[patch] fix IM connections to the same host as the one running bitlbee

Reported by: vjt@… Owned by: wilmer
Priority: normal Milestone: 1.2
Component: BitlBee Version: 1.0.3
Keywords: localhost connection patch hang Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: OpenBSD
OS version/distro: OpenBSD/i386 4.2


When you try to connect to a jabberd daemon located on the same host that's running bitlbee, it hangs indefinitely because the gaim_io_connected function is never called: it's called only by the async event infrastructure, but in this case there is no asynchronous event to be triggered as the connection is successfully established before the connect(2) syscall returns.

This small patch fixes this bug:

--- proxy.c.orig        Thu Dec 27 20:07:52 2007
+++ proxy.c     Thu Dec 27 20:01:53 2007
@@ -172,6 +172,9 @@
                        return -1;
+  else {
+    gaim_io_connected(phb, fd, GAIM_INPUT_WRITE);
+  }
        return fd;

... and now i'm able to connect to my own jabberd :).

All of this happens on my OpenBSD/i386 server, don't know if other OSs exhibit different behavior.

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Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed at 2007-12-27T19:47:27Z by vjt@…

... sorry for the indenting! I use sw=2 and expandtab ..

comment:2 Changed at 2007-12-27T22:32:52Z by wilmer

Milestone: 1.2
Owner: set to wilmer

Hah, nice catch! This was a known bug, actually: #233. Just that apparently it's closed now, I'm afraid some history got lost there thanks to spamming @&%*)@& lowlifes.

Anyway, now we can really close that bug then. I'll add a milestone to make sure this gets applied in time. Thanks!

comment:3 Changed at 2007-12-27T23:16:45Z by vjt@…

:) glad to help!

comment:4 Changed at 2007-12-27T23:49:33Z by wilmer

BTW, I'm not sure if this is always the right solution. There might be code that assumes that the code after proxy_connect() will run before the _connected() event handler, and this patch will break that assumption...

Probably the code in the sockerr_again() block should also be called if the connect() was successful already. I guess I got rid of that part when I made this stuff non-blocking.

comment:5 Changed at 2007-12-28T23:30:14Z by wilmer

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in r290.

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as closed The owner will remain wilmer.
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