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#1240 new enhancement

The ability to mention your IRC nick on @mentions

Reported by: Linkandzelda Owned by:
Priority: wishlist Milestone:
Component: Twitter Version: Unspecified
Keywords: Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Linux
OS version/distro:


I've just started to use Bitlbee Twitter and I have one suggestion which I think will make it better and more user friendly.

A new setting should be added called highlight_nick_on_mention. If this is not self explanatory, then here is what I'm talking about:

In this example my IRC nick is Linkandzelda and my twitter account is @linkandzelda137. Whenever anyone mentions me I get it shown in my feed channel like this:

<ThatUser> [ID] @linkandzelda137 hey this is a message to you

This doesn't trigger a highlight on my client, and this message goes completely lost among the rest of my feed. What I imagine highlight_nick_on_mention would do is this:

<ThatUser> Linkandzelda: [ID] @linkandzelda137 hey this is a message to you

As you can see it added my current IRC nick into the displayed tweet. That would trigger a highlight in my client and I will not miss this @mention.

Then of course I can just do this to reply back to them like normal:

<Linkandzelda> ThatUser: hi this is a message to YOU

The reason I feel this is a good enhancement is that it's more "IRC-like" than how it currently handles it.

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Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed at 2015-12-06T17:22:21Z by wilmer

Not necessarily a bad request, but have you considered just having a (channel-specific) /hilight on your Twitter username?

(That's what I'm doing and it works quite well. Also it keeps the layout consistent with the tweet ID at the start, but with irssi adding colour hilighting so I can spot the lines anyway.)

comment:2 in reply to:  1 Changed at 2015-12-06T17:25:00Z by Linkandzelda

Replying to wilmer:

Not necessarily a bad request, but have you considered just having a (channel-specific) /hilight on your Twitter username?

(That's what I'm doing and it works quite well. Also it keeps the layout consistent with the tweet ID at the start, but with irssi adding colour hilighting so I can spot the lines anyway.)

Yes this is what I was doing as well, however it seems a bit of a shame to rely on client-specific features for such functionality.

comment:3 Changed at 2015-12-06T18:17:41Z by dx

What client doesn't support highlight patterns?

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