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#1084 closed defect (pebkac)

Attempting to add an account gives OAuth error: 404 Not Found

Reported by: awilliam@… Owned by:
Priority: pony Milestone:
Component: Twitter Version: 3.2
Keywords: identica Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Linux
OS version/distro: Fedora 19


My account stopped working, so I tried deleting and adding it again. Here's what happens:

<adamw> account add identica adamwfedora <root> Account successfully added with tag identica <adamw> account 4 on <root> identica - Logging in: Connecting --> identica_adamwfedora (identi.ca_adamwfedora@identica) has joined &bitlbee --- localhost gives voice to identica_adamwfedora <root> identica - Logging in: Requesting OAuth request token

identica - Login error: OAuth error: 404 Not Found identica - Logging in: Signing off..

<-- identica_adamwfedora has quit (bitlbee.localhost identica.localhost)

...and that's all she wrote. The password is definitely correct, I verified logging into the web interface with it. I'm running 3.2 not current bzr, but I don't see anything relevant in the changelog.

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Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed at 2013-08-15T06:52:52Z by wilmer

Priority: majorpony
Resolution: pebkac
Status: newclosed

You apparently missed out completely on's migration to which has dropped the Twitter API. Although to be fair, they also seem to have thrown away the FAQ on that.

Support for has always been "for free" with Twitter support, not sure what made you think this would ever be a major issue. Unless they add back a Twitter-compatible API, support is not going to come back.

comment:2 Changed at 2013-08-15T08:00:20Z by awilliam@…

since I was using identica through bitlbee, yes, yes I did; I don't know where I would've read about it. :P

While we're being jackasses to each other, perhaps take the identica support out of bitlbee, then, if it doesn't work? if I'd seen a commit message 'remove completely broken identica support', that would have been a good clue not to file a bug, wouldn't it?

comment:3 Changed at 2013-08-15T08:02:34Z by anonymous

Also just fixed for you. That would also have been a handy clue.

comment:4 Changed at 2013-08-15T09:32:34Z by wilmer

Hey, I was actually being fair in admitting that is hiding this suicidal-for-them fact under the carpet which makes this all a little less obvious. :-P

But yeah, the wiki page needed an update (thanks!) and the only reason I haven't removed support for the protocol is because on upgrades BitlBee would fail to load that configuration entirely which is sub-optimal to put it mildly. Need to fix that first. :-( lists the number of clients left.

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