Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 1098)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1236 invalid twitter check your system clock anonymous

Hello i have a difficulty to connect to twitter

  1. aouth - passed with pin
  2. Stream Closed 401 Authorization required. Check your system clock
  3. I check it , every thing is fine, i installed ntp and updated a clock. No luck
  4. Im on linux mint


#1235 invalid Cyrilic names and warnings anonymous

Imagine i have 600 contacts on a protocol with cyrilic names

so i have a lot of notifications

This might be a bug in BitlBee, or the result of a faulty nick_format setting. Will use xx4455b5fd instead. (16:08:02) <@root> Warning: Something went wrong while trying to generate a nickname for contact 100000683746314 on fb.

I know asking a function to translit is to much

("ж"=>"zh", "ц"=>"ts", "ч"=>"ch", "ш"=>"sh", "щ"=>"shch","ь"=>"","ю"=>"yu", "я"=>"ya","Ж"=>"ZH", "Ц"=>"TS", "Ч"=>"CH", "Ш"=>"SH", "Щ"=>"SHCH","Ь"=>"", "Ю"=>"YU", "Я"=>"YA","ї"=>"i", "Ї"=>"Yi", "є"=>"ie", "Є"=>"Ye")

but there is any other solutions to convert a nicks automaticly and dont have so many those warnings?


#1234 invalid Multiple jabber accounts for one channel anonymous

how to ?

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