Custom Query (15 matches)


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Status: closed (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#8 Case-insensitive account name handling defect minor 0.99 fixed
#23 Cleaner file format for user data jelmer,wilmer,maurits enhancement major fixed
#52 Showing disconnects as netsplits defect wishlist 1.0 fixed
#106 Give "auto_connect" some granularity wilmer enhancement normal 1.0.1 fixed
#183 Random "bind: Can't assign requested address" messages on OS X defect normal 1.1dev fixed
#254 make forkdaemon mode able to start as root and drop privs enhancement wishlist 1.0.3 fixed
#257 Crash when disconnecting from partially-connected SSL jabber account defect normal 1.1dev fixed
#333 Jabber module uses 100% CPU defect major 1.1.1dev fixed
#337 add -tmp is broken in 1.1.1dev defect normal 1.1.1dev fixed
#340 [patch] fix IM connections to the same host as the one running bitlbee wilmer defect normal 1.0.3 fixed
#348 bitlbee not connecting if charset == iso-8859-15 and Realname contains a "umlaut" defect normal devel fixed
#350 1.1.1dev and bzr head won't build on SunOS 5.10 defect normal devel fixed
#352 help.txt opened more than once defect normal devel fixed
#122 BitlBee Release Party task wishlist 1.0.1 invalid
#77 Possible infinite recursion (found in my log file) defect wishlist 1.0 worksforme
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.