Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#678 wilmer anonymous fixed MSN users blocked after adding.

I'm using bitlbee 1.2.8. When using "add 0 <msn-mail@…>" the users that are added joins the &bitlbee channel BUT they viewed me as "Offline" for some reason. When login on to MSN Live Messenger I noticed the users (I have added 2) were blocked?!?. I do not how or why this happened so do anyone have any ideas?

ps. the help states "add 0 <email> <nickename>" but I would guess that nickname is optional. ds.

#723 etienne@… fixed Spaces are left inside nicknames

My friend's nickname is "foo bar". Here is what I see in my irssi status window when he connects and disconnects:

10:30 [bitlbee] * bar@oscar JOIN :&bitlbee 10:30 [bitlbee] * bar@oscar QUIT :Leaving...

#759 wilmer mcnesium fixed send "the following was not encrypted" messages during OTR from the respective user

sometimes otr sessions do not work well because of whatever reasons. in the main window root will then say something like:

<@root> otr: The following message received from user@server.tld was not encrypted: [-unencrypted-message-]

it would be a blast, if those messages would not come out in the main window, but open a new query window for that user, just like any other query does. this would be good for a number of reasons:

if i am not on the computer or busy chatting in some other window, i might not see this message and cannot answer the call, and the message would scroll away unseen.

a new created query window will blink or hilight or just be there to be recognized, whenever i get back.

also the line might have important related content to further chats, that come up if i do see the message and open up a query window myself. the content will be missing in the logfile of that chat, because its in the logfile of the main window.

i am aware that an unencrypted message from an assumed trusted buddy might be considered as an attac of a third party. but even if that is the case, the content of the message is wrapped by the error message and therefore can be identified as a potential thread.

(normally, if the user sends a second line, before i answer, this would then be encrypted and brings up a regular query window, so only the first line is missing).

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.