

19:50 Ticket #1106 (Can't send private messages to chatroom members whose name contain ...) created by anonymous
I'm trying to write a private message to a friend in a chatroom and …


21:09 Ticket #1105 (code.bitlbee.org/debian has the word "did" in lowercase in a line ...) created by dx
[…] The word "did" is lowercase for an unknown reason. pls fix


23:21 Ticket #1104 (OTR doesn't disconnect if other user is offline.) created by anonymous
If I using otr and the other one goes offline then bitlbee doesn't …


18:58 Changeset [4dda9e4] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Fix building of debug binaries (partially broken by changeset:devel,253).


00:16 Changeset [cb16fe9]3.2.1+otr4-13.2.1-1 by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
3.2.1-1 Debian package.


21:37 Ticket #1103 (Fix parallel make issue) created by radhermit@…
The attached patch fixes a trivial parallel make issue when build …
21:18 Ticket #1102 (Fix check_nick tests) created by radhermit@…
Some nick related function calls are missing irc arguments causing the …


12:24 Ticket #1101 ([Patch] null pointer in nick_gen) created by Daniel Albers <daniel@…>
Attached trivial patch fixes this AFAICS. (gdb) bt #0


17:48 Changeset [48b75f1] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Update debian/changelog for 3.2.1.
12:49 Changeset [a8aa823] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Ugly: Bogus dependency on libotr2-dev, but adding a warning to the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.