
#821 closed enhancement (fixed)

support tweet-entity expanded_url

Reported by: ilf@… Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Twitter Version: 3.0.3
Keywords: Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Public server
OS version/distro:


Starting today, Twitter is forcing their own URL shortener on every post and every account:

Seizing that opportunity to take action on the general problem that is URL shortening, I'd like BitlBee to support Tweet entities as mentioned in the FAQ:

I would like an option for expanded_urlm which shows "the fully resolved media URL":

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Change History (15)

comment:1 Changed at 2011-08-15T18:34:07Z by lkraav <leho@…>


comment:2 Changed at 2011-08-26T19:46:20Z by wilmer

21:43:31 < roeles> [17] @Wilmer <…> has some 
                   info that could be handy
21:43:31 < AaronToponce> [30] how to write emails to nerds (that they will actually read): 

Does something like that look good?

I'm not committing this yet because it looks like somehow my current version breaks fixing of truncated tweets. :-/

comment:4 Changed at 2011-08-27T10:19:43Z by wilmer

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:5 Changed at 2011-11-11T16:17:43Z by ilf <ilf@…>

This is not really working for me yet.

Out of 1514 URLs in my timeline from yesterday, I only saw 18 display_url.

Also, I'd really like an option to see expanded_url.

comment:6 Changed at 2011-11-22T14:02:19Z by wilmer

ilf, I see the same in Twitter on Android. Please verify that in your case Twitter really *is* supplying the required info.

comment:7 Changed at 2011-11-22T14:03:00Z by wilmer

Also, see the 809 commit msg for my reason to ignore expanded_url.

comment:8 in reply to:  6 Changed at 2011-11-23T08:14:36Z by ilf@…

Please verify that in your case Twitter really *is* supplying the required info.

Hey Wilmer, how would I verify that? It works in my Twitter for Android. And Twitter Web Client of course.

comment:9 in reply to:  7 Changed at 2011-11-23T08:16:35Z by ilf@…

Also, see the 809 commit msg for my reason to ignore expanded_url.

Yeah, it sais:

I'm going for this way of rendering even though full URLs are also available to me because A) it puts me on the safe side wrt Twitter ToS and B) some full URLS may really be very long.

B is what I want :)

About A: I didn't find anything in the ToS. Even if so, an option to enable it would be nice for people like me, you can still leave it off per default.

comment:10 Changed at 2011-11-24T07:44:40Z by wilmer

I don't think is literally included in the ToS but officially the point of is to block malicious URLs. A client completely bypassing it could possibly be against their policy. It's not that I care that much about their policy, but for things I don't care much about anyway the path of least resistance is often attractive. :-P

So on my Android Twitter client I see many links. I suspect that clients themselves are responsible for including entities in their msgs. Seems ridiculous though.

comment:11 Changed at 2011-11-24T08:12:43Z by ilf@…

But we all know the real point of is for Twitter to centralize highly used features (like URL shortening and images) in their own infrastructure, so they can control, monitor, analyze and monetize from it.

So fuck 'em, give us the full URLs :)

comment:12 Changed at 2011-11-25T06:28:05Z by wilmer

Of course we all know that, but I don't care.

Showing full URLs could be seen as circumventing their silly little scheme and could result in BitlBee's API access getting blocked. I have no interest in battles like that since it would require everyone to upgrade their BitlBees.

I'll see what I do.

comment:13 Changed at 2012-02-12T14:43:45Z by ilf

I still don't really see URLs expanded. Out of 1264 URLs I saw yesterday, only 27 were expanded_urls. And only two of those weren't I see them all on Twitter for Android. What am I doing wrong?

comment:14 Changed at 2012-02-12T15:00:54Z by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>

In the cases I've investigated, the info was simply missing in the XML from Twitter. Please confirm that this isn't the case for you.

comment:15 Changed at 2012-06-03T23:33:06Z by wilmer

I've noticed one case with media (as opposed to url) entities that BitlBee was missing. That's fixed in changeset:devel,912.

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