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#66 closed enhancement (worksforme)

bitlbee as services

Reported by: mauritz@… Owned by: Jelmer Vernooij
Priority: wishlist Milestone:
Component: BitlBee Version: 1.0
Keywords: Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Public server
OS version/distro:


Hello again,

Find a way to use bitlbee as services is the most great feature. Of corse we will need make some changes in ircd, but....

[]'s Mauritz

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Change History (16)

comment:1 Changed at 2005-12-20T23:27:10Z by wilmer

Priority: majorwishlist

Lots of changes will be necessary, and maybe not just to BitlBee. I doubt if it'd be worth it...

comment:2 Changed at 2005-12-20T23:32:23Z by Jelmer Vernooij

Owner: set to Jelmer Vernooij
Status: newassigned

BitlBee can not be implemented as a 'traditional' server like NickServ, ChanServ or MemoServ as it has to be able to provide a channel (#bitlbee) that is different to each user and let specific users appear to only one user of the IRC network. This can be done, but would require quite some changes to the IRCd. The IRCd would probably have to link against BitlBee and BitlBee would have to use some kind of API from the IRCd to allow it to register a virtual channel and other nicks for a particular user.

So, in order to get this bug moving, we'd need to be in contact with the author of an IRCd and design the API for this kind of stuff together.

comment:3 Changed at 2005-12-20T23:32:44Z by Jelmer Vernooij

sorry, s/server/service/ on the first line in my previous comment

comment:4 Changed at 2005-12-20T23:40:13Z by mauritz@…

Some ircds have 3 types of channels: #xxx - normal and global channel &xxx - normal local channel +xxx - global channel without chanop

You can sugest a patch to create a new type like... $xxx - superlocal channel to work with bitlbee as services :)

comment:5 Changed at 2005-12-20T23:43:11Z by Jelmer Vernooij

True, but the change you are mentioning now involves changes to *the IRCd*, not BitlBee. A more proper place to file such a bug would be the IRCd. We work on BitlBee, not $random_ircd...

comment:6 Changed at 2005-12-20T23:49:14Z by mauritz@…

Only ideas.. Here we use ptlink ircd and services. The new services use mysql as database and is modular. Bitlbee could be a module in this services but, for performance, the better choice is to be a standalone service.

Like blitzed opm.. we have opm as services looking for openproxy all global connections.

comment:7 Changed at 2005-12-20T23:53:09Z by Jelmer Vernooij

The idea is interesting, but I don't see this going anywhere in BitlBee until there is an IRCd is made suitable for this. I'd mark this bugreport 'later' if I could, but that doesn't appear to be in the list of options. Wilmer?

comment:8 Changed at 2005-12-21T00:08:01Z by mauritz@…

What features you need on ircd to made a bitlbee as services?

comment:9 Changed at 2005-12-21T00:29:26Z by Jelmer Vernooij

  • The IRCd should be able to link to another server inet-style by simply running a program
  • The IRCd should be able to link to a specific server and make the users and channels on that server only appear to a specific user
  • The IRCd should be able to connect to a server again for each user

Note that this is most likely not something IRCd's would be happy to implement, as it might require some major (architectural) changes.

comment:10 Changed at 2005-12-21T00:35:55Z by mauritz@…

I think you will say something like personal channel to join fake users (the contacts), and these users visible only to the channel owner...

comment:11 Changed at 2005-12-21T00:40:21Z by Jelmer Vernooij

That's another way of saying it, indeed. Also, these users have to come from a different server, which is local to a specific user.

comment:12 Changed at 2005-12-21T00:51:46Z by mauritz@…

I have other ideia but I dont know if its possible nether if has good performance.

User connecting bitlbee with dcc. Linked, Bitlbee cound accepting dcc only if the nick is with +r (registered and identified)

comment:13 Changed at 2005-12-21T06:42:37Z by Jelmer Vernooij

how would that work? the user can only connect to one user over DCC, not to multiple (you need one extra user per IM contact)

comment:14 Changed at 2005-12-21T09:58:48Z by wilmer

Of course for superlocal channels &bitlbee could be renamed to #bitlbee_$usernick.

Anyway, I still don't see the use of this, it takes time from both us and IRCd developers, while any decent IRC client can connect to multiple servers. Most people are connected to multiple IRC servers already, so why should this be any different for BitlBee?

comment:15 Changed at 2006-03-03T15:55:23Z by Jelmer Vernooij

Resolution: worksforme
Status: assignedclosed

Closing this bug until at least until there's some IRCd that has an interface that can support this...

comment:16 Changed at 2011-07-07T09:49:25Z by anonymous

You may want to consider psyced.. it's sort of an ircd with native XMPP support and a more modern interserver protocol called PSYC. It doesn't do exactly what you describe, but it does similar things.

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