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#632 closed defect (fixed)

Multiple AIM accounts for one channel

Reported by: CoreDuo Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: BitlBee Version: devel
Keywords: Cc:
IRC client+version: mIRC Operating System: Linux
OS version/distro: Debian


I have the ui-fix branch installed (build 662) and was wondering if it was just me, but I cannot assign multiple AIM accounts to one channel. Instead of &aim, I have to have &aim1 and &aim2. Is this possible to fix?

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Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed at 2010-06-22T23:52:25Z by wilmer

Hm, I thought I followed up to this already.

I was indeed thinking of allowing multiple accounts per channel, but didn't expect anyone would really want it. It's not that hard to implement but does make things a little bit more complicated. I'll try to find a simple and proper way to do this.

comment:2 Changed at 2010-06-29T23:46:17Z by wilmer

I added the ability to fill a channel based on protocol instead of account.

Try this:

chan &aim set fill_by protocol chan &aim set protocol oscar

If you also have an ICQ account, those will also appear. I'm thinking of splitting off the oscar module into icq + aim. Same code, different names. For clarity, mostly.

Please let me know how this works for you.

comment:3 Changed at 2010-06-29T23:46:42Z by wilmer

Obviously those were two separate commands:

chan &aim set fill_by protocol
chan &aim set protocol oscar 

comment:4 Changed at 2010-07-17T15:30:15Z by wilmer

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

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