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#575 closed enhancement (fixed)

I'd love to see .debs generated

Reported by: anonymous Owned by:
Priority: pony Milestone:
Component: BitlBee Version: 1.2.5
Keywords: Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Public server
OS version/distro:


Debian's package is so dang ancient, i'd love to have a package instead of building from source.

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Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed at 2010-03-17T15:47:04Z by wilmer

Ok, looks like there's some interest for it after all. I'll try to work on it and put up a new link.

FWIW 1.2.5 was just released so at least for now Debian packages are not so ancient. :-)

comment:2 Changed at 2010-03-26T16:27:05Z by ander@…

Compiling bitlbee isn't really difficult, but yeah... lenny backports would be nice. Right now I just compilet 1.2.5 under /opt and modified init.d script to launch daemon from there. Works great.

comment:3 Changed at 2010-04-23T05:02:28Z by kindred

Yeah, deb package please :)

comment:4 Changed at 2010-04-24T15:25:01Z by wilmer

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed has them now.

"All" branches, and packages for all four combinations of lenny/testing + i386/amd64.

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