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#392 closed task (notabug)

Multiple Connections

Reported by: st@… Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: BitlBee Version: 1.2
Keywords: Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Public server
OS version/distro: Ubunto Gutsy


First, I'm sorry if this is not posted to the correct location. I've searched all over the Internet and this is the only place I see this being a relevant posting loc.

Here's the deal... I have Bitlbee loaded on an Ubuntu box and connecting from that box works fine. I get a list of online users, blah, blah... The problem, however, comes into play when I try to connect from another machine (WVista :( ) via Trillian. I get connected but can't execute any commands.

Bascially, I want to run an IRC client from any of my potential locations with [hopefully]the same user name where I can also see all of my contacts... What am I doing wrong?? I try help and get:

root: Unknown command: join. Please use help commands to get a list of available commands.

I try ANY command and get this... HELP... Again, apologies if this is in the wrong location... Please direct me to appropriate spot.

Cheers... -st

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Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed at 2008-04-06T07:53:48Z by wilmer

Hrmmm, the most important thing here is that you're probably trying to do something with BitlBee that isn't possible. Connecting to BitlBee from two locations doesn't give you one and the same channel. Those are two separate sessions, with their own &bitlbee channels.

For what you're trying to do, you need an IRC proxy/bouncer like CtrlProxy.

But what's the problem with TRillian exactly?

comment:2 Changed at 2008-04-06T13:50:01Z by st@…

The problem with Trillian regarding Bitlbee or in general? Here's both answers:

The problem connecting via Trillian to my Bitlbee server is that I get connected to a channel that I can't do anythign in.... By that, I mean that I get this error no matter what I tye in: root: Unknown command: join. Please use help commands to get a list of available commands.

However, considering what you said above, I don't think it will do what is needed.

Trillian has been a trusted friend for years, but with my configuration, it would be nice to have something like an IRC server and Bitblee. I have multiple computers wtih multiple OS's and mutliple locations... I would like to centralize everything to one of my *nix boxes and connect from anywhere using either Pidgin, Trillian, Web, etc.. Then, I could chat with my IM contacts and, if necessary, invite them to an IRC session via my server, etc... Bitlbee was my first glimmer of hope for that but maybe I'm just dreaming.

comment:3 Changed at 2014-07-07T14:40:14Z by dx

Resolution: notabug
Status: newclosed

"root: Unknown command: join" wat

Anyway not much has changed in the 6 years since the last comments, except that i'd recommend people to use znc.

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