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#253 closed defect (fixed)

ICQ auto reconnects even when you signed in on another location

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: Jelmer Vernooij
Priority: wishlist Milestone:
Component: OSCAR Version: devel
Keywords: icq auto reconnect another location Cc:
IRC client+version: irssi Operating System: Linux
OS version/distro:


I'm running a version of new-jabber.

When i connect to my ICQ account on gaim, BitlBee auto reconnects to icq again after my given interval. I known MSN doesn't reconnect when connected on another location. ICQ should behave like this too.

P.S. 1.1dev should be added to the Version dropdown...

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Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed at 2007-02-21T12:25:10Z by wilmer

Can you rephrase that? I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about...

P.S. 1.1dev should be added to the Version dropdown...

Yes, good idea, will do. :-)

comment:2 Changed at 2007-02-21T17:06:46Z by anonymous

from what I can tell, he is saying that when he gets onto gaim, bitlbee is knocked off? (does ICQ do that? I've never used it.) and then after a given interval, bitlbee reconnects to icq knocking gaim off?

and it doesn't happen with MSN

comment:3 Changed at 2007-04-21T04:35:30Z by wilmer

Priority: normalwishlist

Okay, I don't know why I didn't get this the first time I read this report because it's indeed pretty clear.

Anyway, BitlBee would certainly do this right, if this was possible. However, the OSCAR module doesn't detect this problem yet.

Also, this is *exactly* the reason why auto_reconnect is disabled by default.

comment:4 Changed at 2007-12-03T00:40:23Z by wilmer

Component: BitlBeeOSCAR
Owner: set to Jelmer Vernooij

comment:5 Changed at 2008-12-14T15:06:32Z by wilmer

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

changeset:devel,459 adds detection of disconnects for this reason and disables auto-reconnect.

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