Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 1098)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#750 fixed address doesn't work. Shiny

Hello, I just noticed that all addresse's don't work anymore.

#861 worksforme A decent update mechanism for bitlbee in irssi anonymous

The update mechanism for bitlbee is not acting "decent" when bitlbee is run in irssi. Well, decent is not exactly the correct term for it, but you know what I mean.

The problem is that when updating the bitlbee executable is definitely updated, but somehow irssi sticks to the old one in memory and refuses to load the updated one. The only solution to solve this right now is messing with irssi until catches on.

#377 invalid AFKIM teh b0rk Afkim User

afkim for the psp won't connect no more after the update you did to the servers i would so love for you too fix it as i use it on a daily basis

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