Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 1098)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#88 fixed Mobile AIM client messages don't show up on IRC. Jelmer Vernooij anonymous

Messages sent from Mobile AIM clients will be processed incorrectly by BitlBee and show up simply as NUL on IRC.

Jelmer has a trace.

#94 fixed Version information does not appear with /version timing

when doing /version in irssi, a normal irc server returns the version of the server software. Bitlbee does not.

#96 fixed MSN status change affects all connected users wilmer thundur (at) maffiaworld (dot) net

When two or more users are connected to MSN through the same bitlbee server and one user changes his msn-status to e.g. 'Away', the status for all connected users is set to AWAY.

Expected behaviour would be that only the status for the user setting his status should change.

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