Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (31 - 33 of 1098)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#849 invalid My user account Condusky

I cant log into my user account. What to do.

#632 fixed Multiple AIM accounts for one channel CoreDuo

I have the ui-fix branch installed (build 662) and was wondering if it was just me, but I cannot assign multiple AIM accounts to one channel. Instead of &aim, I have to have &aim1 and &aim2. Is this possible to fix?

#642 obsolete Windows Live Groups and Bitlbee wilmer CoreDuo

I worked on recreating the situatio Eman described on IRC. The variables seem to exist in both pidgin and bitlbee (based on libpurple, ui-fix branch). When one creates a group on the official Live Messenger, all the invitees using pidgin or bitlbee can accept the invitation from Microsoft's Live site. But when chat is entered, the error "The following people are online, but were unable to join this conversation: John and Jane" is shown.

Screenshot here:

This error, I believe is a result of the lack of "Windows Live Groups" in libpurple (in which i will also submit a bug report for).

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