Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (127 - 129 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#118 #66 duplicate bitlbee as irc service
  1. check nickserv/chanserv/memoserv if not, fail to run
  2. register imserv
  3. channels registered by usual way
  4. nicks registered by usual way

for example how I may work with this

we had registered nick GBB (GreatBitlBee :)

Level 1: simple messaging.

register IMuser as GBB avatar :)

/msg imserv account add <protocol> <username|uin> <password> [<server>]


/imserv account add <protocol> <username|uin> <password> [<server>]

account commands: list/add/remove/connect/disconnect/ban/unban

list – user only accounts registered for his nick (owner)

ircop – all add – any registered nick remove – owner connect – owner disconnect – owner ban – ircop

banned account always disconnect and can’t receive ANY owners command except list till unbanned.

Uin|username unique. Impossible create new account with same uin|username.

Work logic 1. after connect u can send/receive messages. Receive from imserv in format: IMserv protocol:contact message Send by

/msg imserv <account> <contact> message

if connect and logout from irc then maybe imserv send messages as memo….

Variant: /msg imserv account main <account>

/msg imserv <contact> message1 /msg imserv <contact> message2 /msg imserv <contact> message3

Level 2: imuser as private irc user; channel as contact-list, im accout – as personal account;

imserv work like botserv

user GBB type command /imserv <account> list /imserv <account> link <contact> <#channel> if contact * - full contact list #channel – owned by GBB :), inviteonly, moderated, “hided” (not listed name)

imserv drop “bot” with nick contact (if busy or registered – modify) on channel bot has “invisible” status

imserv can handle bot status “online” as join, “offline” as leave, away, etc. only private window messages received by imuser and topic change – all users as message.

Level 3 : im account as gate, imuser as normal irc bot :-)


/imserv gate add <gate_name> <protocol> <username|uin> <password> [<server>]

/imserv gate connect <gate_name>

/imserv gate disconnect <gate_name>

/imserv gate del <gate_name>

/imserv gate list

/imserv gate <gate_name> contact add <contact>

/imserv gate <gate_name> contact del <contact>

/imserv gate <gate_name> contact find ......

after add contact may distant contoling “bot” with full range irc commands and "bot" will be banned, kicked controlled etc...

Service control: start/stop/rehash/freeze Start/stop/rehash – usual way. Freeze – work registered accounts, stop register new

#123 saxus@… fixed /whois, don't convert the unicode characters to iso-8859-2

I changed the character-encoding to iso-8859-2, it's working, but if I did a /whois on everybody, i see raw unciode characters, when my partner has got color code in his name.

Example: daykiller is daykiller@*.hu * ·#·$7| ·$2kömike ·$7× ·$27d4y·$4K1ll3R ·$7| (L) hianyzol :( | jövő hétvégén nem érek rá, még akkor sem ha élet-halál kérdése!!!! daykiller using saxunoid@*.hu. MSN network daykiller End of /WHOIS list.

daykiller is using MSN Messenger 7.5. I'm use the offical bitblee gateway.

#126 Jelmer Vernooij Tar-Minyatur obsolete ICQ doesn't block correctly

Currently there are stupid bots which send lots and lots of authorization requests via my icq account. If I decline it's sent again. So I tried to ignore the user using "block 0 icq-uin" but it seems to change exactly nothing. The bot keeps requesting always when I decline. I do not exactly know if it could be an error in icq itself and not in bitlbee. There's no other report in here it seems.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.