Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#86 tobiasthecommie@… fixed better reporting of failed messages

Currently i'm just getting

21:33:45 <@root> MSN - Warning: Closing down MSN switchboard connection with unsent
                 message(s), you'll have to resend them.

It would be very nice if it would also show the message. or just the first 3-5 words of it.

I can't see that it should be hard to implement, but then again, i don't know the MSN protocol, and it may be impossible.

Sincerely Tobias. Thanks for a very good product

#88 Jelmer Vernooij anonymous fixed Mobile AIM client messages don't show up on IRC.

Messages sent from Mobile AIM clients will be processed incorrectly by BitlBee and show up simply as NUL on IRC.

Jelmer has a trace.

#90 wilmer dy worksforme msn + accented letters error

helo, i just found a little error:

kata's first line does not use correct charset or something. but her 3rd line is fine.

<kata> á semmi,nemrég keltem mert azt a buzi köcsög orarendet kelett csinálni,alig tudtam vmit aludni,mert nem engedett fel a kurva neptunk,aztán ugy vtam vele hogy nem érdekel és lefeküdtem,aztán 5kor kelés,megcsinálni azt a szart,de annyi orám van/lesz hogy már most fáj... <kata>,\@TCBE(200b9)(10c)\@TCEE <dy> hubaszki ebbol nemsok mindent látok <dy> ja neptunk szutyok ;/ <kata> ugyhogy most még zenét hallgatok,de mindjárt megnézem fürész 2t megint

im using bzr.

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