Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#1049 wilmer kamilla notmyfault Facebook buddylist shows only one or two online

Facebook buddylist (jabber) incorrectly displays only couple contacts online. (for ex. bitlbee has 2 online and facebook actually has 47 online)

#1052 was3@… duplicate bitlbee connection pinging out

Recently, with irssi and bitlbee, I have been receiving absurdly high lag and inexplicable reconnections, despite running on localhost.

#1082 protospork@… notmyfault Twitter can't get contact list

This problem started Sunday, but at the time I was running 3.2-981 compiled with OpenSSL so I thought that was the problem. But I've just switched to a machine with Debian 7, installed 3.2+20130714+devel+997-1 from the nightly repo, and I'm having the same issue. It's constant; I've been unable to log into twitter through Bitlbee since Sunday.
The error message is:

<@root> twitter - Logging in: Getting contact list
<@root> twitter - Logging in: Error: Could not retrieve /1.1/users/lookup.json: Empty HTTP reply
<@root> twitter - Logging in: Signing off..
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