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Results (97 - 99 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#979 Miklos Vajna… fixed skyped stopped working with Skype

I just upgraded to Skype (Archlinux Package). When starting skyped -d -n -H I quickly see the skype window pop up, then I get this:

2012-07-18 23:26:25: skyped is started on port 2727
2012-07-18 23:26:30: Warning, pinging Skype failed (Skype connection refused).
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/skyped", line 121, in skype_idle_handler
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Skype4Py/", line 778, in SendCommand
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Skype4Py/api/", line 207, in send_command
    result = self.skype_out.Invoke(cmd)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Invoke'

I then downgraded to, that works perfectly fine.

Using skyped 0.1.1 with bitlbee-bzr build 912 (API version 03005).

#1010 anonymous notmyfault gtalk connections timing out?

When I arrived today, my 'bitlbee' channel in irssi was full of reports of gtalk and gtalk2 (my other gtalk account) trying to reconnect over and over again.

'list accounts' shows that both are 'connecting' and it shows, over and over:

11:25:07 root @: gtalk - Logging in: Connecting 11:25:08 root @: gtalk - Logging in: Connected to server, logging in 11:25:08 root @: gtalk - Logging in: Authentication finished 11:25:08 root @: gtalk2 - Logging in: Connecting 11:25:08 root @: gtalk2 - Logging in: Connected to server, logging in 11:25:08 root @: gtalk2 - Logging in: Authentication finished

and then later

11:27:07 root @: gtalk - Login error: Connection timeout 11:27:07 root @: gtalk - Logging in: Signing off.. 11:27:07 root @: gtalk - Logging in: Reconnecting in 135 seconds.. 11:27:07 root @: gtalk2 - Login error: Connection timeout 11:27:07 root @: gtalk2 - Logging in: Signing off.. 11:27:07 root @: gtalk2 - Logging in: Reconnecting in 135 seconds..

I tried fiddling with the settings. Changed to oauth, turned off tls and turned ssl on (and changed port) - nothing has helped.

I'm able to talk to people however i assume that my connection is just getting reset. It simply stays in the 'connecting' state

#1014 ilf@… duplicate xmpp: crash on file transfer

I can reproduce a BitlBee "crash", ending with "Connection lost to localhost" in irssi.

My BitlBee is current dev, the other client current Pidgin 2.10.6 (libpurple 2.10.6) on Windows.

When the other party tries to send a file (even an empty one), my client either re-joins the control channel, re-connecting all accounts on auto, or just disconnects from BitlBee on localhost. The process is still running though and I can reconnect to it.

I have enabled xmlconsole, there's nothing in there.

This is not only annoying, it seems like a potential security risk to me.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.