Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#767 pesco ilf@… duplicate OTR: follow $handle_unknown

When other contacts message me in PLAIN, while my client still has an OTR connection, their message is displayed in the root window. This is really annoying. I would really like this to be a query like everything else. Why not follow $handle_unknown for this?

#780 anonymous fixed bitlbee disconnect after /part from groupchat
  1. someone invites me to groupchat on gmail chat
  2. /join #thegroupchat
  3. in #thegroupchat, /part
  4. bitlbee disconnects
#785 dx dskulinska@… fixed BitlBee can't establish SSL connections with NSS, works when starting via "bitlbee -D -n"

I am running a local bitlbee server version 3.0.1 on a GNU/Linux system (Fedora 14).

Three accounts have been set up for a user (ICQ, Jabber, Google Talk). When BitlBee is run in daemon mode as local user "bitlbee", the ICQ login succeeds, but both XMPP logins (Jabber, GoogleTalk) fail:

@root | jabber(XXX@XXX) - Logging in: Connected to server, logging in

@root | jabber(XXX@XXX) - Logging in: Converting stream to TLS

@root | jabber(XXX@XXX) - Login error: Could not connect to server

@root | jabber(XXX@XXX) - Logging in: Signing off..

However, when BitlBee is run via "bitlbee -n -v -D" (for debugging), all accounts are successfully connected, using the same configuration for the user (explicitly dictated via "/etc/bitlbee/bitlbee.conf").

I find it odd that starting the BitlBee server with an option ("-n") that should not affect the configuration leads to a different result. If this problem is due to my own ignorance, I would welcome any hints and pointers, otherwise I would be happy to help to resolve this issue on my own. I did find it difficult, however, to track down the problem due to the lack of debugging output. Am I missing something?



Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.