Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#125 wilmer x86hemi@… fixed about msn avatars

How about implementing msn avatars. I know you wouldn't be able to see other peoples avatars but it would be nice to set your own, i.e. via dcc transfer too @root. Just a thought.

#133 anonymous worksforme ASCII art of photographic data needs Tone Mapping

Photographic data tends to have too little contrast to display well as ascii art. This makes the webcam ascii art look very bad, with faces being hard to make out.

Tone mapping is a type of dynamic range compression for image data. By applying a suitable tone mapping algorithm, contrast could be enhanced enormously. This would make for a less _realistic_ image, but make it possible to see faces and other interesting contours clearly.

#137 Jelmer Vernooij Jelmer Vernooij wontfix Support for a 'AuthMode = pam'

Would be nice to have support for authenticating against PAM. This would be a modified version of 'registered'.

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