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Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#64 jsuelwald@… wontfix Changing Profile Settings


it would be nice if the user is able to change his profile settings (within icq, aim and so on) using bitlbee.

I know, it is not something one would do very often, but it is yet another feature that a "normal" IM client normally has and some users might just miss this feature.

#66 Jelmer Vernooij mauritz@… worksforme bitlbee as services

Hello again,

Find a way to use bitlbee as services is the most great feature. Of corse we will need make some changes in ircd, but....

[]'s Mauritz

#70 justin@… fixed Away Feature?

Possibly a feature so that when you go /away and a user messages you it will provide them with the away message. A user independent setting (default set off) could possibly be implemented to allow this to auto reply for you.

Just an idea whish would be neat to see implemented. :)

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